sirclucky wrote:
I doubt it. I figure it is infinite. Much eaiser to code that way. I also don't think we will need to us it. I mean, we already went there to get the lenny plushies.
I'm not entirely sure it would be easier to code an infinite number of rooms - surely that would be harder? But I'm not a computer programmer, so I'm in no position to comment - anyone out there who knows more than me. So basically, anybody out there?
And I disagree with the Lenny Plushies comment too. For one thing, you can't get back to the plushie cupboard (can't you? I haven't managed to), and also, why else would they open it back up if not to put something in it.
Rauven wrote:
believe me, i tried a number starting with 7 and a lot of zeros. i entered the next room and the adress was: 70000...001, walked 2 back and the adress was 699.....99
this must mean that theres actually infinite rooms
(to see the actual nr try the 55/6 altador split)
OK, I think I may have to concede the fact that it is infinate, due to the fact that you guys are right. I'm sorry, I don't think very much. *sits in corner and cries*.
All better now.

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