* It's Moehog Day! Why not buy your Neopet one of these new toys from the Toy Shop to celebrate?
* Igandea the Brown Moehog wins the latest Pet Spotlight! Well done!
* Moehog fans might appreciate a few new Buddy Icons to use while chatting with friends.
* This week's Neoadventure Spotlight goes to hilldill22 for The Quest for Princess Lola.
Oh no! Princess Lola has been kidnapped! It's up to you, Bobo, a courageous Tuskaninny to save her! Your adventure starts in a small village... you cannot do this alone, so you will need a little help! Who should you call at a time like this?
* The newest issue of the Neopian Times has been released! Keep your eyes open for great stories and adventures like Spyder Bite: a Gladiator's Tale and An Interview with General Dacon.
* The next round of the Beauty Contest is about to begin! Head on over and vote for your favourite.
* Awww, what a sad looking Moehog! Maybe he just needs a hug.
* A new Random Contest has begun! Good luck to all the entrants, and congratulations to last week's winners.
* The Bakery has a number of new Moehog treats on sale for any Neopet to enjoy.
* Everyone knows the Halloween Moehog is just pretending... right?
* This Week's Faerie Caves Spotlight goes to eagymnasts for her level - Jungle of Doom.
* You can swing from the vines, or just use this new Moehog Background, which is now available for use on your desktop.
* Four new Shopkeepers are now available! Each one features a Moehog, of course.
* The Poetry Gallery has been updated with a new page of poems celebrating Moehog Day!
* Last, but certainly not least, the Art Gallery has a brand new page of Moehog art on display.
