Not legal ANY way you put it - to quote from their own T&C :
Q. Can I sell my time it took me to earn Neopoints to someone on eBay, or on another auction site?
A. Nope. Now Lawyerbot could bore you to death with the legal explanation but think about it this way. Could you sell your time recording someone else's music? Could you secretly record a movie and charge the buyer the time it took you to record the movie? Could you type up someone else's book and then sell your typed version by charging for your time to type it up? Of course not. As you don't own Neopoints, you can't sell them or the time it took you to accumulate them. When we find someone selling Neopoints, we freeze the seller's accounts and all the accounts of anyone who has purchased the Neopoints. (By the way, often the seller won't reimburse your money when you are frozen after receiving the Neopoints and eBay and Verisign have a policy against requiring the reimbursement for the purchase of virtual items. Therefore, purchasing Neopoints can result in all your accounts being frozen and you losing your money).