"Claire, Claire, Claire. The power to heal or destroy things is quite amazing, and I am very very jealous. You see, you can use your power whenever you wish; mine however, is always in use, therefore my mind is forever muddled with everyone's thoughts.
"You may not think my power if awful, but I do. Just imagine yourself sitting in a dark theater, watching The Phantom of the Opera. But throughout the performance, you are bombarded by every one else's thoughts. So as you are enjoying the splendor of the show, you are hearing boy Christine is hott stuff!!! from the boy you are sitting next too, and their costumes are SO elaborate! or I wish I could sing that beautifully or just about anything else. It is quite annoying."
Rena then looked away. She had said so much! And to someone she had just met. Oh well. She tightened her ponytails and brushed off her pinstripe pants. "Would you like to meet Hevel? He is such a nice guy, it sounds like a party in there already... follow me." Without waiting for a reply, Rena grabbed Claire's hand and pulled her down to Hevel's room.
Oh boy. In Hevel's room there was also Alex, Daniel, and Joseph. He he, more boys... she thought. Boy was she glad she was the only one who could read thoughts. She surveyed the crowded dorm room, then asked "Is this party a 'Boys Only,' or can us girls come in?" She eyed the stains on the rug. I didn't spill that much! she thought as she invited herself in.