For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Sun Apr 30, 2006 8:09 pm
Ok, one of the rules in the ToC vaguely states that you can't ask for people's emails or contact info. enter my dilemma. there's an old friend of mine, and the only way i have of contacting her is through neopets. i'd love to ask for her email, but i'm afraid it might be against the rules and it would get my account frozen. what should i do?
Sun Apr 30, 2006 8:11 pm
I'd just go ahead and ask. I've asked people before, and my account is a-okay. I've never gotten a warning or anything about it. And plus, neopets doesn't really have the time to go through every single neomail saying "Omegah! They asked for an email address!11shiftone!1".
So yeah, I'd say just go ahead and ask.
Sun Apr 30, 2006 8:21 pm
I think the rule only applies to people you don't even know, or if they think you might be scamming. You said she was an old friend, so I'd bet it's okay. Remember, they have to report it for anything bad to happen to you.
Sun Apr 30, 2006 9:06 pm
I suggest offering your e-mail to the friend and then have them e-mail you if you are that worried.
Sun Apr 30, 2006 11:41 pm
theonlysaneone wrote:I think the rule only applies to people you don't even know, or if they think you might be scamming. You said she was an old friend, so I'd bet it's okay. Remember, they have to report it for anything bad to happen to you.
That's not entirely true. Neomails are monitored same as the boards and guild boards.
It's a shame one of you isn't premium. Then you could just either say, please webmail me at your u/n @ or webmail her at her neomail.
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