remybuxaplentyfan wrote:
I think it's horrible that they're beginning to charge you for things. Even if you aren't obligated to sign up for those, it's kind of attracting people to pay for it because it's Neopets...
And the fact that 'paid-users' (IMO) get special random events and better items than other users is simply put, unfair.
I wouldn't be surprised, in fact, if pretty soon you can pay for an advanced account
Remy, that's what I'm beginning to think. With the portal and email (and dial-up service?!) being for pay, they're just paving the way to "premium" pay accounts. Whether those would be any better I have no idea. But for those of us with more than 1 account, if they charge per account (probably) that could be expensive. And I truly think they'd start really losing players if they went to a sort of premium pay account.
Why? Well there is the idea of paying for something that has been told to us will always be free. And there's the issues of all the glitches/lost items, np/unfair freezings/downtime. We complain about those things now. Will paying make any of those things go away? Or get our things back if lost, get better/faster response about frozen accounts? Get a refund or an extension if the site goes down and stays down for a certain period of time? Will paying get us a better, more complete T&C?
The positive of paying would hopefully mean a decrease in scammers/spammers, but not necessarily hackers/crackers/ab'ers/cheaters.
Rune wrote: (I'm sorry if I offended you about the broadband comment... it prolly didn't come out the right way ^^;; ) Unlike the Toolbar that mention it's free -- this is clearly a main part of their paid-only features. I believe that they didn't mention it in the magazine is to drag in the younger users, once they notice that these are paid only services, they'll beg their parents to buy it for them (how suscessful may vary)
For the reccord -- it looks like their ISP is a branded service (it's connected to Another ISP)
Rune, absolutely no offense taken, the last thing you could ever be is offensive! I was just commenting that I'm a person who can't afford one more thing than I've got already.
I have to agree with the idea of getting the younger players into the idea of the portal/email/whatever and then trying to get their parents to pay for the services. I can tell you it would NOT work with me, begging and whining doesn't work on me!
As far as a "branded" ISP, and the one they're going with in particular - go read that site's terms and privacy statements.
Selling out? that's already happened...(waits for movie announcement, with the plot taking place in a fantasy McDonald's land).