only_shades_of_grey wrote:
ok to appease your need for wild theories I give you:
The Greatest theory ever!
ok the "janitor" is really an omnipotent god who has been around since the dawn of time and all that jazz and has had a hand in all important event that have occoured in the history of neopia. He is the one who is sapping the memories of all the altadorians. When we finally complete all of the constellations he's gunna figure out how were returning the knowledge of altador and he;s gunna get really mad and he's going to become an opponent in the battle dome and we will have to throw rotten vegetables at him. does the janitor's brother fit in? Will he be the good half and try to help us stop the janitor? Is this going to be like a Cain and Abel?
My theory is that, by the end of the plot, there will be a new Astronomy Club president (me). With fist, steel and telescope in hand, the new Astronomy Club president will then go out and unite all the Altadorian Archive Clubs under one rule (which shouldn't be so tough, since all the other clubs are apparently run by the same kid). Then, with every club member under his command, he will expand his newly-forming empire to cover all of Altador, from which he will attack and conquer Sloth and Darigan, bring a period of peace to Neopia, change his name to Augustus and hold gladiator games to appease the people. *Mwah ha ha ha ha*

For the glory of Rome...err, I mean, Altador.