littleboy6326 wrote:
So I have to have patience and wait for a underpriced item, say: A codestone for 2000, which I can flog for 3000.
Would just pressing refresh on the result page work? Or would I have to start multiple searches?
Refresh on the results page work - don't overdo it or you will be barred from searching (first time for 20-30 minutes, after that maybe even longer - heard people have been barred for 1 day also).
If you can handle Multiple searches it should work. But remember, to wiz-snipe you have to be really fast. If you are looking at multiple windows, by the time you find a bargain, go to that shop and try to buy that thing, it will most likely go.
Lots of people are wiz-sniping at a time. People also follow some techniques to gain the edge. Some of them are like putting in a maximum amount in searches to limit the results being displayed, do not load unnecessary images, not-loading ads, etc.. I am only playing for 6-7 months, others might give you a better idea of what other techniques are available.
Also you should remember that there are premium members around - who have super wiz - basically the same shop-wiz but those searches are not limited to a set of shops like the wiz. However, they are only allowed to search a certain number of times within a certain period, and so are generally very selective in their searches, but if someone among them is searching the same thing as you at the same time, I would say the odds against you are 25:1 (because there are 13 distinct lines - you get results from only one of the lines at a time in a wiz search).
Sorry to hear you missed half-price day, but thats not the end of the world. I also missed it this time, so I have bought whatever bargains I can find with whatever money I have. I will sell them at least a week from now, and I know I will make about 200-300 np profit on each of them. Anyway I have a slow connection, so patience is the key for me.