_Myriadman_ wrote:
Javakick wrote:
I'm glad to see someone else is having the same problem as I am.
I thought maybe it was just me.
I can't find my 1st to Rise constellation, either by telescope or the starmapper. I've tried every dot. I have followed all the steps on the first page to a T. I've tried dumping cookies and history, even used a different browser....any other suggestions?
The Lenny says how i found the road with the stars.
Make sure u visit the lenny, then get your star data, then refresh your telescope
and use this site
http://ricall.freehostia.com/findconst.php To give u the exact co-ords of where ur constellation is...
And people trying to look for other constellations on their starmap.... since the stars move/change some or all of the remaining might not be on ur map... but some can be.
Thanks Myriadman for the tip.
I tried what you suggested and it's not showing up on that either.
It only found the wave, dreamer, farmer, dancer,gladiator and sleeper.
Thanks for all your help. I think it's just a neo glitch of some kind.
I been at this for 2 days now.
Thanks Arka but i did click on the stars to see them lit.
I guess my Faerie just doesn't want to wake up.....grrr
Some people say that going to the astronomy club updates your star data so go thee. Also try logging out then back in again. And see if that works