ok so now ive gotten to business.
Okay, so ive been busy this is what ive done.
First, last night, i did the whol copy screen-by-screen till i got a "sky". But today, it was rahter hard to find anything so...i came upon:
Made a map with my coordinates. (i still havent gotten a second number of coordinates) Did that. came up with this beautiful sky. (exactly 285 stars)
Which shows:
-139 #1 stars (small white)
-67 #2 stars (yellow)
-33 # 3 stars (blue)
-18 # 4 stars (red)
-11 # 5 stars (purple)
-12 # 6 stars (big white)
Then decided...hey! why do i have to keep all those stupid cooridinates that go beyond +/-340? so then i deleted ALL cooridinates that when beyond/below 340, and here is the next "sky". (exactly 90 stars) Hey thats a whole lot less right?
Came up with:
-45 #1 stars (small white)
-16 #2 stars (yellow)
-15 # 3 stars (blue)
-4 # 4 stars (red)
-5 # 5 stars (purple)
-3 # 6 stars (big white)
Okay, so im left with 90 stars. i counted up all the stars on the TCG cards and i got 74 stars total.
(Sasha-6; King-6; Jerdana-5; Siyana- ~18(show trees may block other stars); Kelland-4; Florin-5; Torakor-4; DF-6; Marak-7; Fauna-4; Psellia-5; Gordos-4)
So that means once I find ALL the constellations Ill have a mere 16 stars left over...
Now what?
HAHAHAHA...yah okay basically sharing my moves with yall in case maybe you can see something..cause right now it looks pretty but ah..yah..
Thank god for Excel and calculators...