RolandOfTheEld wrote:
I certainly hope this doesn't go on for a full year

I agree. If it did go 12 months, the prize had better be worth it... ;-P
Anyway, I just checked out that link, and the zoom-in of the city and the water is really interesting. What I immediately thought of in relation to that was the sinking city of Venice. The city of Altador is, in fact, 1000 years behind Neopia's modern time.
Venice was one of four seapowers at one point, if I recall correctly. If you notice, there appears to be ocean surrounding Altador. Altador, like Venice, is a very complex and beautiful city as compared to the other ones in Neopia and perhaps had a rich history as a centre of trade before the Dark Faerie wrecked havoc.
We see an island off the shores of Altador. Not far from Venice, just across a canal, is the island of San Giorgio Maggiore.
"Long cherished as one of the most outstanding kingdoms in all Neopia, Altador nearly faded completely into myth before making a recent reappearance..." ~ Venice was a very powerful kingdom at one point, before suffering the arrival of Napoleon and the fall of the Venetian Republic, which ended 11 centuries of independence. The city lost much of its grandeur and had to deal with rebuilding of its city and pride afterward.
The arrival of the Darkest Faerie and her attempt to conquer Altador caused the city to be put to risk and lost a thousand years in the past. Now it has resurfaced and must rebuild, as well, and rediscover the history of the city of Altador.
Basically, what I'm saying is, perhaps Altador is the Neopian equivalent of Venice, Italy in the real world.
Fact: Giacomo Casanova was born in Venice, Italy in 1725... ;-)