I just compared the months to the statues...it seems to make sense, although its not in order of the months.
This is a statue of King Altador, the Hunter. =The month of Hunting.
This is a statue of Jerdana, the Protector.=The month of Storing.
This is a statue of Siyana, the First to Rise. =The month of Awakening.
This is a statue of Kelland, the Thief. =The month of Hiding.
This is a statue of Florin, the Farmer. =The month of Eating.
This is a statue of Torakor, the Gladiator. =The month of Running.
This is a statue of the Darkest Faerie, the Sleeper. =The month of Sleeping.
This is a statue of Marak, the Wave. =The month of Swimming.
This is a statue of Fauna, the Gatherer. =The month of Gathering.
This is a statue of Psellia, the Dreamer. =The month of Relaxing.
This is a statue of Gordos, the Collector. =The month of Collecting.
This is a statue of Sasha, the Dancer. =The month of Celebrating.
I am also trying to work out what the items each of the statues are holding. Any help?
Another thing,the constellation thing reminds me of whats happening in Battlestar Galactica. The constellations make up a map, and are in the sky, Earth is the place where you can see all the constellations from one spot. Might this be relevant?
Another Eerie thing...notice how it says the Darkest Faerie in "the sleeper". Perhaps the statue *is* the Darkest Faerie, and she is gonna wake up again...
Your thoughts?
everconfused wrote:
Hmm, I do like the idea of the statues coresponding to the neopian months. Very old gods/goddesses type of thing.
As far as the different worlds' connection, there looks to me at least to be some connection to the lost desert.
Separated at birth?
That is possible, however Jerdana reminds me of the evil Aisha in the Meridell plot,which perhaps isnt a good thing?
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