burntouttrash wrote:
But then why is the DF still in the Ruins of Maraqua?
Well, it wouldn't be the first time that TNT have placed something around the place that never gets used, and just sits around doing nothing until the next time they update that map. After all, that magical plushie is still sitting on the cloud in Faerieland. Or it was last time I checked.
Huggles wrote:
I think a lot of people are getting confused by the neopedia article and making things much more complicated than they are. We've established that the events in the video game have already occured. The Darkest faerie has been sealed off again by Fyora. As for the humber of remaining heroes, excluding the darkest faerie who's back at the bottom of Old Maraqua (again, probably because they hadn't thought about putting her elsewhere), there are 11 out of 12 heroes left. Nothing points to a mysterious 13th or that Jerdana is out of the picture.
Current Location: Unknown (near the sea)
Founded by: The Twelve Heroes
Primary Ruler: King Altador
Council Members: The ten remaining heroes
Areas of Interest: Altador Coliseum, Archives, Hall of Heroes
King Altador is distinguished from being a normal council member as he is the primary ruler. When you exlude him and the Darkest faerie, that leaves all 10 remaining heroes still around.
I'm honestly not so sure. The way I see it, Altador is included in those 10 remaining heroes. But that's just me.
Also, I hate speculating - especially when there is absolutely no new information to go on - and I also haven't played the PS2 game (what, with living in Australia and all). But according to the TCG, Jerdana is imprisoned - hence the reason she's not around.
Anyway, as I said, I haven't played the PS2 game, so I have no idea if Jerdana has been freed. But, if not, I would wager that it's kind of hard to rule a city if you're imprisoned somewhere.