Circle packing is a configuration of circles with a specified pattern of tangencies. It usually is simpler than this because the circles usually vary in radii (which affects their size) in order to fit perfectly according to their tangent patterns. What makes this one so difficult is that the dubloons all are the same size and do not vary.
The site AySz88 provides is very nice with a very simple graphical interpretation, however, if you want an absolute proper circle packing done, then the gaps in between all the circles should be three sided. If you notice, in the images, many lack having just the three-sided gaps which means they are not appropriately tangent to the other circles.
This is a very difficult problem but I love it. I love math. I'm a nerd. :-D
44anime_babe wrote:
no i know pie but im to lazy to do it and i cant remeber how to use it good .i just knowe some of it. im always skipping math period whit my home girls so how am i suppose to get better at it. and i know its my fault but really who uses algebra? only math and scientist and maybe some other people. so that is why i really dont pay attetion.
People may not use math for certain trivial things such as everyday shopping or what-have-you, but there are those of us who actually enjoy the fundamentals of mathematics and like being challenged through logic and problem-solving. My two favourite classes that I have ever taken are Calculus and Physics, and I'm certainly not a scientist of any sort of degree. I just really,
really enjoy it because for me... it just clicks, I just understand.
But you're probably younger. When I was a freshman/sophomore/junior, I never truly valued the scope and ability in academics that I had. It was when I became a senior and began thinking about college that I started appreciating how easily things came to me and began to appreciate teachers for all they've done, and for all they try to do for students, even if the student happens to be a skipper and not show any interest in what the teacher has to say. I suggest that you might want to stop skipping and think ahead at how habits like that and how not applying yourself will affect your education, and in turn, your future.
Anyway, I'll step off my soap box now... I really digressed.