adribaby wrote:
Also, what move do you use with the scroll of freezing and thick smoke bomb? Would it be firey gaze, diamond dust, or beserk attack.
Not drain life, because it only drains 10% of your opponents' HP (not much, in this case) and it uses 39% of your power, which means if you use it, you will not be able to use both burrow and sink later (they both take a lot of power, too), and you will probably die. You never, EVER want to run out of power completely, because if you do, no abilities work.
Not fiery gaze/diamond dust, because 7/8 and 5/6 of the time (respectively) they do nothing. When they DO work, they will freeze your opponent, but since you're already freezing them with the scroll, that would be pointless.
Not berserk attack, because what it does is multiply the damage you do to your opponent (while also leaving you more open to attack, so their icons do more damage to you as well). Since you're using a freezer and a blocker, you're not doing ANY damage to them, so there's nothing to multiply.
So, I would suggest a species ability. Most species have a six-icon ability (Kacheeks have Kacheek Smile), so go for that. Of course, I don't like this whole strategy at all, because it requires you to use a rather expensive TSB on your first turn -- if I do use those, I like to use them on my
last turn so I'm guaranteed a win. On my first turn, it's okay if I take a little damage, as my HP is full and usually my opponent wouldn't be able to kill me in one hit anyway. So my battles (I have the 200 strength boost, 200 HP and have beaten the slug monster, btw) usually look more like this:
1: Freezer (Freezing Potion for me), Downsize! (a must in any set), 6-icon species ability (Lupe Breath)
2: Main attacker* (SoS, in my case), Bomb (Honey Potion), Berserk
3: Main attacker, Secondary attacker* (Wand of Reality), burrow
4: (If needed) Main attacker, secondary attacker, sink (OR a Thick Smoke Bomb if they could potentially kill me, as I don't want a draw)
*If your main/secondary attackers suck (fewer than 9/10 icons), use Water Muffins or some other one-use bomb instead.
It's important to know two things in a fight: approximately how much damage your opponent can do to you, and exactly how much damage you can do to them while they're frozen. Use the
IDB damage calculator.
My strategy sometimes changes if the opponent has a full healer like Jade SS, or has a 100% freezer, or if they have something nice like Thyoras Tear that I can steal, or if they are using a mass-icon weapon that I can reflect back at them with a 50% reflector. If they have a Jade, you want to freeze and kill them asap, before they can heal. Sometimes in tough battles I will go for a multi-freeze, using diamond dust on my first turn (along with downsize and the SoS) and withdrawing if it doesn't work. But that's not applicable to the Meerca Bros., so I won't go into it here.
And a final note, now that you've read all this: have 85 strength and a decent amount of HP before even attempting these guys.