Cranberry wrote:
That is a user-submitted article and doesn't prove anything "for sure." I agree that Altador looks like a battle-friendly place, but unless it appears in the news or the editorial section of the times, it's not proof. At the bottom of the article, the author has even written "AUTHOR'S NOTE: This article is filled with speculation as to the whereabouts and origin of Altador. These theories are poorly investigated, and should in no way be regarded as certain."
Other good things to get: 9 or 10-icon weapons like Scuzzys Comb, Ramtors Spellbook, Pike Pike. They're already starting to inflate. 50% reflectors also usually go up in price during wars (shovel plus, ultra dark reflectorb, etc.).
Okay! I added LRF, and I will get the Comb, Pike, and Spellbook up as I can. It's harder to get an accurate price on the Trading post, but can still try. I will also add the Shovel Plus and Orb.
After I get some more data, I'll post it to a website so people can keep track themselves. I'll probably just export it as a webpage from Excel (don't know how that will effect things, but we shall see) and put the link in my signature.
I'm really interested in seeing the effects.
I know this is an odd question, but about what time would be good to check the prices? I mean when more people are on, demand will rise, which could influence the data somewhat.