4th & 5th March - Early Gelert Day!
* We know Gelert Day is on Monday, but we're celebrating early! Don't forget to visit Cap'n Threelegs on Monday for his famous free training if you have a Gelert.
* Why not pick up one of these new toys for your Gelert today? They're on sale now in the Toy Shop.
* A new page of Gelert Day poems are now on display in the Poem Gallery.
* If you'd like a change of scenery on your desktop, this new Gelert Sketch Background might be just what you're looking for.
* There is a new Mystery Pic competition. 860 people guessed correctly last week, earning them 2,326 NP each. The correct answer was Caption Contest #559. However, if you've been guessing Red Scorchio Tail since the Mystery Pic's inception, you're finally right! We accepted that answer as well. You can stop using it as a guess now. Really.
* Read your Gelert an exciting tale of adventure with one of these new Books!
* Neopets Toolbar! - For quick links to your dailies and favourite games, NeoMail alerts, and more, try the FREE Neopets Toolbar! Click here for more info.
* Not one, but two new Gelert colours are available at the Rainbow Pool! Sketch vs. Darigan - Who will win?
* The next round of the Beauty Contest is about to begin! Head on over and vote for your favourite.
* It wouldn't be Gelert Day without a nifty new avatar to collect, would it?
* These tasty new Gelert treats are perfect for satisfying your sweet tooth. Pick them up at the Chocolate Factory.
* Memturbo is a very kind Electric Gelert who's just won the Pet Spotlight award!
* The Testimonials page has been updated with new letters sent in by Neopets players.
* Using one of these new Gelert Day Buddy Icons is a great way to show off your fandom.
* A new Gelert Shopkeeper would be perfect for your shop or gallery if you're a fan.
* Can you think of something witty to go with this latest Caption Contest?
* Contratulations to msbeckie for winning the latest Neohome Spotlight award! Well done.
* Last but not least, some lovely new Gelert art is now on display in the Art Gallery.