I don't think I'm going to get along with my new video card well. But, atleast I have Linux again.
NOTE TO SELF - Download Screen Capture, OpenOffice Suite, Flash 7 plugin, and some sort of media player so I can listen to RadioU. *goes buggy without music*
Neko - What you've done is absolutely amazing. The border looks great, same for the scanlines (*squint* Those ARE scanlines right?), it's just amazing.
Kiay - I can see that it says "Legend", but it's pretty hard to see. I really like the effects on the picture, but I think the scanlines are maybe too wide. :\ Don't see any other problems with it.
Nikita - HOW DO PEOPLE DO THAT WHOLE COLOUR DECREASE THING?! <_< The whole one on one thing seems really cool, but...why's Ross "Doody"? oO
Melmite - To be honest with you, you really didn't do
too much. You did the border, which I do like, but after a while, doing a border like that may be boring to some. Trying something new is all a part of graphics making, and who knows. You could maybe have your own style. Also, the 3d text is a little bothersome. <_<
Moogie - Aside from the resize, text, border and mini movie, I don't see where you did much either, but it looks really nice. I think it may have something to do with simplicity. o_o
LAQ - Absolutely amazing. Your image is so beautiful, the colours blend perfectly, and the same goes for the text. I love it.
Bangel - The image that it has looks pretty close, just so you know.
Anyway...the "x" bothers me a bit, because it's brighter than everything else. The colours are very nice, but the text still bothers me. If you had created an "X" on another layer, and then changed it's opacity to match the rest of the text, it would be perfect.
Maniac - I think it really could've lived without the "Happy Birthday" text, and you could've just kept your LJ username. Also, if you had moved the candle up, you wouldn't have the empty space on top. And maybe a few other different candles shadowed in the background.
stinkyllama - I really like the background, and the colours on Rikku, but the text is a little blurry...and it really doesn't make sense.
Maybe if I played FFX2 it would make more sense, but for now, I just like Rikku.
As I say again...I like the background.
Marissa - If you don't mind, I've saved your picture for safe keeping.
The border is very interesting (I've got one on my current Family Force 5 set's avatar. I going to dedicate today to learning how to do it!
) But, the text bothers me just a bit. It's a little plain, and also, it looks like the stroke is, for lack of a better word, swallowing the white. Or maybe it just looks like it's white. oO
Medli - I've got a "what" question. What is it? o_o Is it a Gnorbu or what? oO It's odd...I'll say that. The background is nice, but I don't think the subtext works out too good like that. Also, maybe it's because I'm running subRed, but the top of the border looks like it's missing.
Ken - I really like it, but a few things bother me. For instance, that's not really an "evil" font that was used. Something a bit more grungy would've looked better. Also, the double border is annoying. I think a 1px border would've sufficed.
Rachel - I'm seriously jealous of your ability to colourize. I've tried, but I can't. OK...the text is very nice, but "of youth" looks a bit small. Also, the scanlines are a bit too heavy for my taste. The font's cute...what is it?
Amethyst - Full Metal Alchemist, right? oO Anyway, by trying to dodge the Japanese subtitles, her chin is cut off a bit. Nothing to worry about though. Also, I think with the colours and the grid, you can't really tell what it is. And, finally, I think the text would've been better if it was just on top of the mini movie, not above it.
Iath-em -
I have absolutely nothing to say except wow. No picture, that's amazing. But, I have ONE thing to say. "Celebration" should've been above "2006", and not below it.
Hm. Maniac and melmite. Sorry, guys.