yeah, im not just excited about this, im extatic! (thats a word, right?)
I've always envisioned worlds:
-A machine world (not a grundo planet, not a space station, but a big mechanical city made for the soul purpose of making more machinery, which is secretly run by sloth.... could have cool robot battledome challengers (and robot lazers and gears or other cool weapons) some connection to your pet being robot (whether it helps your pet BECOME robot or just displays the pets that can be robot) maybe a shop that sells robots that help out in your neohome.... or maybe a cyborg paintbrush or something. Eh. Thought its a good idea.
- A gladiator world based on the battledome... not 100% battledome, but a gigantic greek city where a big colloseum is in the heart of the city for some huge battledome world challenge or something... and it have really expensive but nice weapons, maybe a training school or wussy domb for week pets.... greek and roman foods based on olives, bread, fish, etc.... and cool things going on like a shrine with golden statues for top battledomers or something.... who knows, but its like a roman battledome city. I guess altador is as close as im going to get.... but im satisfied
- Swamp world (which sounds like we'll be getting a mini-world of soon)
- a chromium/wierd element world... kind of like jelly world, but its a world based of some cool organic material thats like a metal, but its chewable or something, so they can make food out of it, and clothes and houses, but at a certain temp they can swin in it... or.. i dont know. I just picture "super mario 64" where mario gets the chrome cap. that'd make a sweet world.
-and last is a special world i wont note now.... because actually, ive been drawing a little map of a roman world in my free time, but i might save that for later since there WILL be one. Instead now, im working on this other much cooler one which ill post in the art gallery later.... but its tiny

(but no, smudgeoffudge, its not cell/micro-organizm world
