So...I have mixed feelings, but overall they're negative towards the new changes.
-New high score tables unique to the WC. Monthly and permanent.
Don't really see the point, but whatever:P
-3 picture set to collect and great prizes to receive when you complete them.
-When you complete the third and final picture set, you have the option to clear all the pictures and start all over.
-All the prizes have been re-ordered to match the difficulty levels with a few new prizes thrown in.
Well I can win pieces again now (yay!) and convert again. It's like playing the lottery only a whole lot more time consuming with greater disappointment:)
-Number of pic pieces that can be won are limited to 3 a day.
-The number of games available for the World Challenges has been reduced with the most popular games always appearing and the least popolar games appearing in a limited rotation. This prevents teams from ganging up on unpopular games to get the incredibly valuable prizes from this contest with no effort.
I'd think limiting the winnings would fulfill #2's mission just as well without eliminating the selection of games. My best were Hungry Skeith and Petpet Rescue...both of which I noticed were missing (scratch my previous happiness at being able to get pieces again, won't be happening with any of the 'popular' games). Contrary to what some are saying, this won't necessarily make pieces rarer, they'll just be more distributed.
-Picture pieces are selected randomly and placed into your inventory when awarded. This prevents hoarding of a square (leaving one square open in the set so that it is always won) and cornering the market (buying up that square from the marketplace).
If there's any sound reasoning in this statement, it goes right over me. The only way I can think of to stop someone from "buying up that square from the marketplace" is to make them unsellable. And this change in fact gives those hoarders the advantage, since now in addition to the non-players who buy pieces, WC players who aren't lucky enough to get rewarded the piece they need are forced to buy an overpriced piece from a hoarder.