Butterflyhornet wrote:
Many of my pets are not solely neopets. I've used their designs in other activities. I agree it's a good idea to take your characters to another level, outside the site. What I don't agree with is your method and your attitude. It's ok to be upset about your account being frozen, but what you're doing will not help you get it back.
I agree as well. Most of my pets are based on other-world characters I have, and I enjoy playing them outside the site as well. It is a fun thing to do, and helps you develop your characters more, as there are some things that can't be done on neopets. (And for good reason, really.. ^^")
You're right, we don't need a database, although it's a nice thing. The accomplishments on the game are the point of the game. To have fun, and be able to show what you are capable of. That's why neohomes, neodecks, galleries, highscores, pet colors, species... that's why everything exists. To make our experience better.
You're not the first person I've seen to take pets outside the site, and I think it's healthy. XD At least then you have something left.
I know that while I may not own zafaras or lupes, I do own the personalities of my pets. And even if they're frozen, I'll have felt like I lost something.. but I can still have the characters I developed for them.
I just don't see why you're being so.. extreemist about it. ^^":;; Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but sometimes it just seems like a slap in the face the way you word things. But so long as you're happy with your own choices, that is what is important.