The cerebi finally lifted one head, a bright white-yellow flame gushed between its teeth. It opened its maw, and the flames licked away at the darkness. The creature was carefull enough not to hit its master. (Since Rhane wasn't too keen on being smacked with fire.)
Rhane stepped forward, scowling.
The vampire looked surprised at the talking demon skeleton, stumbling at the sudden loss of speed.
With a growl, he jumped forward, intending to hit the skeletal servant with all his force.
Sare had, in the meantime, reached a smaller hallway decorated with dark black and green tapestry. The younger vampire of the two looked unsure at the door. It was decorated with mytical symbols, he did recognize as fairly strong guard spells. Luckily, his knowledge in this area was better then his fighting skills.
Softly his voice started to speak the first words of a long incantation.
Back in the main hall, Rhane seemed to have forgotten where he was. The long distasterous weeks had been bad, but then this, was too much.
"Say that again?!"
The cerebi got the clue and rushed
towards the skeleton.
((Gah.. not trying to get Rhane killed. Aside from that, battles are difficult not to godmod.