puck wrote:
any ideas/suggestions on how to kill that mutant chia?
Took me a while to figure it out but this is my method:
There are clouds positioned throughout the map. On the upper on has all the drop items. The most important ones are the left and right clouds. Usually I only hit the attack button when the chia stops moving and starts spewing his volley balls of doom, which occur in 3 intervals. So while this is happening, in order not to get hit even once, you go to the cloud that is opposite of the mutant chia(ex. if he is on the left side, you go to the right cloud) and when your on that cloud go to the very edge(so if your on right cloud go to the right edge, left cloud go to the left edge) and wait for the attack to be finished. then you can hit him afterwards for about 2-3 hits. This way is kinda slow. But having this in mind, the next important part for actually doing damage to the MC is the shield ability drop. If you have it, it makes you invincible for a certain amount of time, right after you pick up this item, go as close as you can to the MC and start spamming the attack button, you can get a good chunck of his life off. Then use the whole jumping cloud thing. And wait for another shield drop. After about 3-4 shield attacks the MC should die and the bonus +200 is yours.