Armi wrote:
Skynetmain wrote:
Was the game ever reviewed on X-Play? If so, did it get higher than a 2 out of 5? If so, it won't be the first time they let me down.
As an avid X-play has not been reviewed, just previewed. heck, they've still haven't reviewed Shadow the Hedgehog and they had the chance last week,but gave a preview instead. I don't expect a review of this for a couple more weeks.
The preview they did of the game, they didn't bash it. I expect a 2 out of 5 nonetheless. Fan base games don't do well. *points to FMA and runs*
I saw the episode where they previewed it. Amused me, as it had old pages from the site. The prevamped Shops page and side bar the most noticable. Based on what I've seen on the game, and their review of it, I'm willing to bet it will get a three. Cause you have to admit, FMA wasn't the best video game out there and it still managed a two.
In unrelated news, I am mad at them for changing times (at least where I live). It used to be on from 10-11pm. It was pushed back thanks to the Man Show (which is beyond dumb) so I only get to catch the odd episode now and then. I miss my Morgan and Adam
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