# The Lost Desert plot has come to an end. Check out Chapter 18 to read the conclusion.
# We are proud to announce the official unveiling of Qasala. Now you can visit Qasala whenever you wish and buy all sorts of things from the city's vendors.
# Two_lil_azns' Minigolf Spotlight is for those golfers who don't like to do much walking.
# Inside Qasala you will find all kinds of unique things including Qasalan Delights, which sells all kinds of delicious Qasalan foods.
# With the curse on Qasala lifted, the puzzle portion of the plot is now over! Congratulations to everyone who braved the Temple of 1,000 Tombs, dug in the sand and endured the Foreman for hours on end, and read more scrolls than all the Repository librarians combined! We'll have fancy trophies and prizes for everyone once we tally up all the points for all possible steps in the puzzle. There were quite a few.
# Since Jazan did end up saving Neopia after all, we have updated his Gallery of Evil entry.
# You can now have this rather splendid Qasalan scene as your Desktop Background.
# We have just added five new Poems to the gallery.
# Like Brightvale, the people of Qasala pride themselves on their knowledge and the local book shop - Words of Antiquity is second to none.
# The newest Faerie Caves Spotlight award goes to itominion_returns for creating Ancient Mines in Faerieland.
# The Safety Deposit Box has been updated! It should now be easier to navigate with less clutter, and searching has been given a bit of a speed boost.
# Budding Battledomers should pay a visit to the Desert Arms they may pick up all kinds of unusual weapons and armour there.
# Crooks and thieves best steer clear of Grover07, the latest Site Spotlight winner.
A once again rushed ending? Meh, it's okay I guess.
I want a trophy, though.

Click the wonderful signature. You know you want to.