About the Mr Insane comments, I found what I was refering to.
from thread 135 by luv2lindy77 but spurred by a comment from Cranberry earlier on.
Actually, that's the cool part. He stopped by HERE, too. Just to tell us that nobody had figured out the next step in the puzzle yet and to keep trying. I didn't see any of his other posts, though. Just the ones here.
Now if he said that nobody had figured the next step of the puzzle, the way I understand it, it's there but we haven't found it yet. And as he said, let's keep trying.
http://www.pinkpt.com/forum/viewtopic.p ... c&start=30
I am not asking for you all to agree with me on that theory or jump on the bandwagon. I'm merely testing it out.
Of course the sentences are full of pop culture references. I just think that there might be something to it not in the meaning of the sentences but in the number of the letters. I will explore it further and if nothing comes out of it, I will have tried. I have benefitted greatly from this forum in been able to advance in the LDP enough to beat Razul. I am grateful for this. I am trying to contribute.
There has been tremendous advance by people from this site to further the plot but I feel there is a lull at the moment for lack of trying anything.
Sometimes, as Skynetmain was saying (or am I wrongly quoting again?) we have to think outside of the box.
Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles, xxxholic, Full Metal Alchemist, Fruit Baskets, Ergo Proxy, now what is next ? hints wanted from knowledgeable anime fan.