paranoiapenguin wrote:
im still scroll searching and i put my first crystal in the model and got the color order then i read all of the scrolls on the rack for each color in the order they told me to is that how were supposed to do it or do we just do the symbols on our tablet?
Not sure what you're doing or asking. Here are the directions for Crystal I (from the First Post):
1) Match up the light sequence to your tablet. 4 symbols will fall under "red", 4 for "yellow", 4 for "blue", 4 will be left blank (ignore these)
2) Now go to your directory (colored racks at start) to find the symbol/location match to what you did on part 1
3) The order of the COLORs you need to read the directories is determined by your CRYSTAL. Go to your inventory and look at the color order on top of the crystal.
4) Now click the colored directory that is the same as the first color on your crystal. Take the symbols that were designated for that color and read them in order as found in your DIRECTORY (NOT your tablet). If a symbol repeats, read it again.
5) Repeat this process for your second and third color.
6) If you have done this correctly, at the end you will recieve a message about a sharp eye
so you take the first 4 symbols from your tablet (top left to right) for your first color and you find them in your directory and the symbol found first in your directory out of the four you found on your tablet you find first not the first one in the directory? Am I getting this right?