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PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 2:04 am 
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Maybe this was discussed already, but I got a different thing to say to my statue.

"The golden eye shines truth upon those who would do evil"

I said it, and I got burried in a mountain of scarabs...

I said it better not be a pile of scarabs again as I was scrolling down too, and this is what I get grr lol.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 2:08 am 
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this match was a draw, no one wins...

Dont know if thats good or bad but I'm pretty chuffed seein as I havent a bloomin clue how to fight :roflol: Also I cant fight him again but it says I have weakend him :)

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 2:12 am 
PPT Toddler
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Kaebel wrote:
Maybe this was discussed already, but I got a different thing to say to my statue.

"The golden eye shines truth upon those who would do evil"

I said it, and I got burried in a mountain of scarabs...

I said it better not be a pile of scarabs again as I was scrolling down too, and this is what I get grr lol.

I think that it may be because you have to click on the symbols in backwards order. I am assuming you did them forwards?

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 2:13 am 
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everconfused wrote:
Help?! help please? I am SO lost right now. I don't understand these logic type games, I can't even get a score on the time tunnel. I did read what everyone wrote, honest. I'm so lost.

OK, I sat and clicked and clicked and slowly filled my new tablet. I don't have any black dots, all white. But I only have 15 white dots. Did I do something wrong? I know, I'm really living down to my name here.

Oh, and do I go click in the story as soon as I put all the pieces in or do I go back to the fortune teller?

EC I was totally confused too, and have no concept of this sort of puzzle, have no clue about time tunnel either.

IanBs response helped me immensely, I was able to understand this and get through it

IanB wrote:

Here's how to do this if you have already filled your tablet with symbols but not correctly.
1. Count the number of white dots.
2. Put the first symbol in the first position.
3. Count the number of white dots again.
4. If the number of white dots has increased you have just placed a correct symbol in the correct place. Put the first symbol in the NEXT position and go to step 3.
5. If the number of white dots has decreased then the symbol that WAS in that position was correct - replace the previous symbol. Then put the first symbol in the next position and go to step 3.
6. If the number of white dots is the same then that's the wrong symbol for that position. Try the next symbol in that position. and go to step 3.

Then go to the fortune teller, then the comic, but read the tablet backwards from bottom right when clicking on the comic symbols.

hope that helps

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 2:15 am 
PPT Toddler
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everconfused wrote:
Help?! help please? I am SO lost right now. I don't understand these logic type games, I can't even get a score on the time tunnel. I did read what everyone wrote, honest. I'm so lost.

OK, I sat and clicked and clicked and slowly filled my new tablet. I don't have any black dots, all white. But I only have 15 white dots. Did I do something wrong? I know, I'm really living down to my name here.

Oh, and do I go click in the story as soon as I put all the pieces in or do I go back to the fortune teller?

Edit - OK, I have the tablet with 15 white dots, no black dots, missing one dot (I guess that one doesn't count?) and went to the fortune teller. The message did not change and my tablet was reset to empty :x

If you have 15 white dots that means you have 15 of your symbols correct and also in the correct spot. You just need to figure out by process of elimination which one is NOT correct and go thru your list to get the right one. If you go thru each of them one by one and it changes from 15 white dots that will help you determine which one is NOT correct. Its a bit tedious, but you are well on your way

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 2:15 am 
PPT Baby
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I've clicked the stupid comic symbols three times, and nothing happens! I didn't have any trouble with this the first time!

Grrrrr, i hate this stupid comic.

I'm going backwards and everything! why won't you work! *kicks it*

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 2:15 am 
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everconfused wrote:
Help?! help please? I am SO lost right now. I don't understand these logic type games, I can't even get a score on the time tunnel. I did read what everyone wrote, honest. I'm so lost.

OK, I sat and clicked and clicked and slowly filled my new tablet. I don't have any black dots, all white. But I only have 15 white dots. Did I do something wrong? I know, I'm really living down to my name here.

Oh, and do I go click in the story as soon as I put all the pieces in or do I go back to the fortune teller?

first, when you get to the story, start with the symbol at the end of your tablet and work back towards the first.

Logic puzzle: You could use logic to figure it out, or you can brute force your way through it. Here is how to brute force it:

each white circle means you have 1 symbol in it's correct place.
ignore the black circles, they're for people doing logic.

snapshot your tablet.

Hold a little piece of paper to your screen and trace the white circles near the edge of the paper. You will use this to measure dots, instead of counting.

You have 15 white circles. That means only one symbol is wrong. To find out which one, change them one at at time.

1. Change the symbol in spot #1 and guess.
2. are there 16 white circles? yes, you are done!
3. are there 14 white circles? yes, then you just changed a correct one. Put ot back and proceed to tablet spot #2. go to step 1 and repeat with this tablet spot
4. if there are still 15 white circles, this is the tablet spot that is not correct. try all other symbols 1 at a time.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 2:16 am 
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mousapelli wrote:
I've clicked the stupid comic symbols three times, and nothing happens! I didn't have any trouble with this the first time!

Grrrrr, i hate this stupid comic.

I'm going backwards and everything! why won't you work! *kicks it*

It took me four times as well. The first time I was going forwards instead of backwards and the others I was just to anxious and I think I double clicked or something. I took a deep breath and went very slowly and finally got it. Good luck!!!

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 2:18 am 
Beyond Godly
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Hi ssandgirls ... I hate this, really I do. I have 15 white circles, I went to the fortune teller and no new message, my tablet's been reset to all blanks. I may just be too dumb for this part.

Image Image

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 2:20 am 
PPT Toddler
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everconfused wrote:
Hi ssandgirls ... I hate this, really I do. I have 15 white circles, I went to the fortune teller and no new message, my tablet's been reset to all blanks. I may just be too dumb for this part.

Did you write down the symbols or take a screenie when you had 15 right. If not, dont dispair, now just start over using the directions posted previously. Process of elimination will get it and you will be so happy once you get all of them!

EDIT: In case you didnt see it before:

IanB wrote:
Here's how to do this if you have already filled your tablet with symbols but not correctly.
1. Count the number of white dots.
2. Put the first symbol in the first position.
3. Count the number of white dots again.
4. If the number of white dots has increased you have just placed a correct symbol in the correct place. Put the first symbol in the NEXT position and go to step 3.
5. If the number of white dots has decreased then the symbol that WAS in that position was correct - replace the previous symbol. Then put the first symbol in the next position and go to step 3.
6. If the number of white dots is the same then that's the wrong symbol for that position. Try the next symbol in that position. and go to step 3.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 2:25 am 
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You should have 16 white circles, not 15 :)

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 2:26 am 
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everconfused wrote:
Hi ssandgirls ... I hate this, really I do. I have 15 white circles, I went to the fortune teller and no new message, my tablet's been reset to all blanks. I may just be too dumb for this part.

Hey EC... UGHH, you cant hit "Back" on your browser to see what the 15 were? Wockys suggestion there for finding the missing "One" is great. hope you can get back to having 15.. and dont have to start it again. though with IanBs suggestion it didnt take me long.

Yes, Not my thing either, I think I would prefer a few trips to the 'Anubis Toxicology Reports" LOL than that puzzle....


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 2:29 am 
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I'm working on Crystal II. Instruction #7 says that if I do something incorrectly (which I did) that I can just redo the last set. Does that mean to start from the beginning of step 7 or just the last pair?

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 2:32 am 
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sape789 wrote:
I'm working on Crystal II. Instruction #7 says that if I do something incorrectly (which I did) that I can just redo the last set. Does that mean to start from the beginning of step 7 or just the last pair?

Hi Sape789, Yes the last pair should work . its just the 1st crystal that you have to start from scratch.


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PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 2:32 am 
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As my favorite WWII general said: 'I have returned'
As my favorite WWII admiral said: 'We have awakened a sleeping giant' <translated from Japanese>

Wow! I come on earlier and a lot has happened. I come in now and a lot has happened. Big props to all the people who figured the new tablet stuff but after fighting Jazan's daddy, we can't fight him again? Drat. Well... Thank y'all again. I'll try to 'help' as much as I can.

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Ohayo Nippon every Sunday at LW
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I'm on a boat like a boss

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