Once again, I give you editorial quotes:
Issue: 205 | 26th day of Hiding, Y7
Er... yes, these scrolls for the first "plot". Okay, first of all, what are these "scrolls" going to be called? Second of all, will you be able to "sell" them? Third, I don't know what price they will go for one of these "scrolls". Fourth, the other plots had their parts shown out loud. Why isn't the Lost Desert plot going to show theirs in public? Fifth, how will it go and will it include the battledome still and that supporters thing? Sixth, have you ever considered of having three sides battling each other? In the last plot, it would have been okay to do: "Captain Scarblade vs. Garin vs. Maraqua"... right? Finally, (sorry to make you read this entire message everyone!) once you read them, will they vanish? Because if you're aiming to sell them once you read them... then, it's like take one and pass it on, without losing any neopoints. I will be participating, and mine is this long because it's all over my mind. Thanks for reading, and please answer back. - Mattextra3
Wow, thats a lot of questions. Firstly the first part of the plot (the first comic) will go live next week. You will be able to see every part of the story as they go live, the same way they last two plots worked.
The scrolls are part of something special we are doing with this plot. Basically rather than just having a war to decide who gets what, there will be many puzzles, many fights and some other challenges for you to do in order to earn points. The scrolls may be used in that, just as a hint, if you see one, hold on to it. I can't tell you more than that as I have already given away a lot Just keep checking new features. Kind of makes you wonder what happened to the rest of those RE scrolls, doesn't it?
Issue: 208 | 16th day of Gathering, Y7
Just wondering if the Lost Desert Plot will be super-ultra-extra hard to solve? And could you tell us a little insight on what will the main solving quality be? (i.e. battle,puzzles) - syabilla_kitty
We are hoping it will be super-ultra-extra hard to solve. Its hard to make a puzzle with millions of people working to solve it though, I am sure some people will get certain parts easily. The parts really are quite varied, and you just need to figure out what you have to do to progress.