meresged wrote:
Okay, here's my confusion:
Match up the light sequence to your tablet.
the mysterious tablet???
Yes. are 16 light dots on the wall (well, 12, and four blanks), and you read those across in order. There are 16 symbols on your tablet, and you read those symbols in order. So if your top row of the tablet is Fer, Ra, Fer, Ra, and your first four colored dots are Yellow, Blue, Blank, Red, then you know you are looking for scrolls with a Yellow fer, a blue Ra, (no second fer because the dot is blank), and a red Ra.
meresged wrote:
Now go to your directory (colored racks at start) to find the symbol/location match to what you did on part 1
huh? can someone explain this in laymen's terms? I'm not folowing
When you first walk into the repository, there are three colored scroll racks that contain lists of scrolls that you might have to read. Those directories have colors (red yellow blue), symbols, and locations. Check the map linked in the first post of this split to find out where those scrolls are in terms of general area.
meresged wrote:
Take the symbols that were designated for that color
symbols designated by what.....?
Symbols from your tablet/colored dot combination.
meresged wrote:
and read them in order as found in your DIRECTORY (NOT your tablet).
okay..... what am I reading?? The symbols, or the color????
Your mysterious crystal has three dots at the top, (Red Yellow Blue in some order). You will look at those three dots to determine what order to find your colored scrolls.
Then organize the scrolls which match the color/symbol combinations you got from the tablet and colored dots on the wall according to this order:
1) First, organize by color. The first four scrolls you want to read have the color of the first colored dot on top of your crystal, then read all of the scrolls from the second color, then the four scrolls from the last color.
2) Then organize by card catalog order. Read scrolls from the top of the card catalog before the scrolls at the bottom.
Don't worry about what order those symbols or colors are in on your tablet.
3) Find those scrolls on the racks, and click on them. If the scrolls appear on your list more than once (or repeat), then click again.