gemma58 wrote:
After refreshing for 4+ hours I think I have worked it out! I started again!
(after I realised I had not clicked on the blue rack before going to model room)
1. Start at entrance to repository
2. Go to Entry Hall and CLICK on SCROLL RACKS in order of the DOT colour on your Crystal. (mine was red yellow blue)
3. Proceed UP to 5th Floor then DOWN to MODEL ROOM
4. ENTER - the light should be streaming from the hole in ceiling
5. PLACE crystal in top of dome
6. Colours appear on right hand wall
7. Take screenshot for future reference.
Time I got the light: 12:23am
My symbol: Ra
Colour order: rbyxyyrxxrbrbbxy
This NEEDS to be verified by someone who has not yet got the light!
Please, please say I don't have to go all the way back down. *cringes at the thought of navigating through floor four again* Maybe it's my severe lack of sleep, combined with my guild starting a new event at midnight, the sidebar and all the mapping and refreshing, but I just can't make myself do it tonight!
Can anyone who HAS gotten the light confirm that they clicked on their card catalog racks in that order?
Edit: Ahh... glad to see some others are testing it out. Whew...
endeavourl, Do you recall the order in which you clicked on them? Maybe it's not an immediate thing, but a requirement to complete before the light appears. (I almost hope it's not.)
Scott, you've done a great job keeping up with the splits tonight and the comments at the top have made me laugh and smile. The changes to the first post to include the section breaks are awesome too. Thanks for doing a great job and helping to create a lil sanity in this madness.
I think I'll let y'all figure this out for tonight and head to bed before I fall asleep on my keyboard.
Good luck!