Bekkichan wrote:
Er, hello. Long time lurker, first time poster.
Emerging from the shadows because I got bored of refreshing on that blasted city model waiting for the light to shine, so I decided to map the basement. Hopefully this will help someone... I know it helped me since 2 of the scrolls I think I need are down there. And if someone's done this already, just ignore me. >>;
Anyway, here: ... sement.jpg (A note... some titles are paraphrased a bit. They should still be recognizeable.)
Welcome to the madness!
Thank you SO MUCH for doing that basement! I was seriously dreading it.
[url]=ttp://]Here's Floor 2:[/url]
a Recipe Storage, Entrees
b Recipe Storage, Appetizers
c Special Arts Collection, Finger Painting
d Special Arts Collection, Pasta-Based Artwork
e Special Arts Collection, Lanyards
f Recipe Storage, Soups
g Lost Desert Art History, Sculpture
h Lost Desert Art History, Painting
I Lost Desert Art History, Jewelry
j Tomb Artifacts, Burial Trinkets
k Tomb Artifacts, Coffin Details
l Imperial Dispatch Archives
m Artisan Licensing Records, Rukis
n Artisan Licensing Records, Yurbles
o Artisan Licensing Records, Other
p Stairwell Landing and Coastal Cartography
I hope these come in handy....
still no light for me.
I don't suppose someone would be willing to compile the info from the previous split regarding statue symbol, crystal color pattern, light patterns, etc.???