superraz wrote:
IanB wrote:
superraz wrote:
can some one please give me the steps on how to chart the repository?
usually i follow instructions on fisrt post, althought charting mabey optional
You don't need to - look in the first post of any split and your'll find a downloadable map of each floor - actually there are two maps of each floor, the 2nd including where all the furniture is located.
i thought some people said you have to chart your scroll racks
that would take hours
It did.
To make things more difficult, there are some errors in the maps.
For example, fourth floor is missing an entire row, making it impossible to get to the fifth. Fortunately, that row is there in the real Repository.
I found that, in places there were anomalous scroll racks... some on the map that weren't there in the actual Repository and, more often, some empty spots on the map that had scroll racks (e.g. first floor top right room has examples of both).
I ended up re-doing the map in Excel (which helped 'cause I could number the racks as I took screenshots).
But, in the end, I have no clue if the last five days have been a waste (probably was.

) or not. We don't know if we *have* to map the racks, but I looked at it as we have this empty time where we're trying to figure stuff out so I did it just in case.
Eh. It kept me out of trouble.