"Kalani, step up please." WIS beckoned Kalani towards a circle he drew on the ground with a piece of chalk. Kalani, silent, stepped in the circle.
"Kalani, this is no ordinary circle, this circle, is, in fact... Drawn with chalk."
"You know what chalk does?"
"No, what?"
"Well, you'll... have white spots all over the place. Look on your shoes."
Kalani then killed herself, and ruined a perfectally good pair of shoes.
Kalani died, her role:
Side: Evil
Victory: All other teams defeated.
'Weasley is our... err... I mean, Some Evil God That Nobody Has Ever Heard of is our king.'
You are part of the SEGTNHEHo cult. You worship a King that nobody has ever heard of. He needs to be pleased! Sacrifice a body every night. And he will, 'cause its a sacrafice, and sacrifices always make Gods happy.
Pick a spokesperson to send in the lists. Which include Daykills, convertions and Nightkills. First person to send me a list will be the spokesperson if there are none currently.
These are TEAM abilities, which means the spokesperson may use it no matter who they are.
Offering: By disposing a body in ceremonial means, you have sucessfully offered a body to your King. Everynight, the spokesperson will send in a list of 5 people, the first person on the list will be killed. If you kill sucessfully, your king might reward your team with any magical spells the person had left before they died.
Convertion: You may convert an innocent to another servant for the King. The ceremony will take place at the end of night. The convertee will lose any formal powers (but not spells) they originally had, and take on the role of the Cult Follower. Send a list of five names.
Daytime Offering: To win the favor of the King. You may, once in the game, try to make an offering during day time. The spokesperson will send me a list of five people, and I will kill the first on the list that is still alive and uneffected as soon as I get on.
Revival: Once in the game, you may revive a person from the graveyard. If you revive someone who is not on your team, they wont convert to your side. This takes the place of the night kill that night.
This is an individual ability. Only YOU have it.
*Unholy*: You're unholy. And you stink. Combine the two together and you get an Unholy Aura! You may use this aura and increase all memebers of your team's shield by 50%! PM me before execution if you want to use this. This is ONE USE ONLY.
You start off with a 60% shield.
You may NOT be converted.