7th, Sakhmets place in the world: Looking at the world map, we see that Sakhmet is just south of the Haunted Woods. A fact proven during the Bruce B storyline (I think. I haven't seen that story in a long time). Location is not really that important, except for the track through the Haunted Woods. That can be easily circumvented by traveling by sea. Also a citizen mentioned a 'fat king with a beard,' possibly refering to Kelpbeard or Hagan. Refering to other kings implies that Sakhmet has some form of trade outside of the city. Trade easily helps the city exist and allows for export of its excess goods like sand food, unmagines, and tchea fruit. Trade will also allow the import of new goods from all over Neopia. Technologically equivalent states like Meridell, Brightvale, and Darigan would of course be logical matches for Sakhmet, Unfortunately, the comics do not show one bit of trade with foreign dealers. It is like they acknowledge the surrounding areas, but refuse trade, which would be absurd. It shows bad leadership on Amira's part to not allow trade with other states. It is not surprising that only Jazan want to marry Amira if they have such a closed state. Also, the lack of trade means lack of allies in case of emergency. A good relationship with any other state on the planet would easily garnered support for their disappearence. The other states would have most likely lost nationals when the city 'disappeared'. (See my
3rd arguement). An unprovoked attack on a national would be an act of war. If Sakhmet really were a open state with trade (free or otherwise), we would be waiting for a world war, not an internal revolt/civil war. Thanks to Amira's short-sightedness, she has lost all chances for international support.
3rd addendum: I have thought of another Jazan could have made Sakhmet seem to disappear. He could have moved the city ninety degrees out of phase with the surrounding area. That would make it out of sight to people not in the same phase as the city. That would also explain why the general would see a different environment when he left the city. We would have seen reality from the shifted prespective. Both the city and Tomos and Nabile would still exist in essentially the same plane, only they would be invisible to each other and objects not in the same phase as they are.
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