LN Tora wrote:
pattypus wrote:
The post explaining the plot would still be very long, but just in a different location. I don't think there would be any advatage to doing that.
But I'm not a mod, so what do I know?
Two advantages. One, it would save from the mod having to, (least I'm guessing), copy-paste the post over for each split. Two, it would be less to scroll down for those who are already up-to-date.
Three, it wouldn't take up so much room on each thread, therefore it would require splitting a little less often. Perhaps the best location for it would be
rugrat0ne wrote:
Maybe I'm too story-line oriented, but we've got Tomos and Nabile discovering the Temple in one area, and Amira's ministers building a repository for the royal library, also giving them a place to work on the mystery of the city vanishing. The folks at the sr wouldn't know there were scrolls in the temple, because they wouldn't know the temple existed. Same with earlier speculations on a secret passageway connecting them. The SR is brand new, and qasala's been lost for hundreds of years.
So I doubt there'd be any carrying of scrolls between the temple and repository, imho.
penny, penny (my two cents)
Why do you think the repository is brand new? I know one LC had us calculating what it would take to build it / paint it, but as far as the plot goes, it was there already, just covered in sand. Unless I'm mistaken, which is highly probable
skizzy the wonder lizard wrote:
okay. i tabbed over the fortune teller's page, and after highlighting the last thing on the sidebar and before highlighting the mysterious tablet link, there was definitely something, but i couldn't see where it was because the yellow box didn't show up. anyone else want to try?
Nothing shows in Opera. In IE, I get the exact same thing you posted. Hitting enter while ?whatever? is highlighted does nothing.