# Neopoint collectors will be happy to hear that two new account types have been added to The National Neopian Bank!
# The Neopets in this latest Caption Contest seem to be starting their holiday preparations a bit early.
# kaiba_1517_2004 is this week's Meridell Castle Spotlight winner with their level - SECURITY!!!
# Wocky fans may be glad to know that four Wocky Shopkeepers have just been released!
# There are several new Hissi Furniture items some of you Neohome buffs might want to pick up.
# For those of you who give gifts on non-wintery occasions, there are some new Gift Tags available for you to use!
# spoiledbratprincess1 is the recipient of the latest Gallery Spotlight with her gallery - El Taco!
# The Tigermouse is the latest Petpet to receive a much needed update!
# There is a new Mystery Pic competition. The answer to the last one was the Fortune Teller Header. 586 people got it right, earning them each a hefty 3,413 Neopoints!
# Congratulations are in order for War the Gruslen. He and his owners, arc_angemon and ares_sama, have just won this week's Petpet Spotlight!
# If you've been wondering how to draw a Hissi, you'll be happy to hear that it's just been added to the How To Draw section.
# Kalaelou is the winner of this week's User Lookup of the Week for her rather stylish Feepit lookup.