Finally home after a few hours time away from the computer and the plot, worried that I was missing some major breakthrough! *gasp panic*
*Relaxes again after a frantic scan of the missed pages*
ILoveGames wrote:
im going to suggest this again, just in case it was missed before.
id like to see a thread that kept track of everyones things. you would reply and edit your post to add stuff. no replies if you already have one. it would have
+your riddle
+your statue rooms symbol
+your statue symbol
+symbols on your tablet
+scrolls you have read
+scrolls you have understood
+physical scrolls you have
and anything else like that. it would be easier that way to see the patterns instead of having to weave through 40 pages of posts looking to see parts of what other people have.
My riddle:
Kingdom of the lightgiver
A humble portal of stone
Statue Room symbol:
Statue Symbol:
Completed tablet:
Scrolls I have read:
Ra, Ahn, Saf and Tep
Scrolls I have understood:
Physical scrolls I have:
None *sniff*