Mon Sep 12, 2005 11:00 pm
luv2lindy77 wrote:Sinthe wrote:I feel like a big dork for asking this, but I keep getting the big jelly blob when I try to do anything in my tomb... how do I get past it?
I assume you're trying to enter the tomb, not just navigate the tomb. You have to wait the full time (1 hour for traps, 12 hours for scrolls) before you can get back in.
If it happened while you were navigating the tomb and you didn't click on a colored door with a symbol above it, then perhaps you clicked the Back button in your browser? (Don't do it! Trust me!)
Mon Sep 12, 2005 11:00 pm
Mon Sep 12, 2005 11:02 pm
Mon Sep 12, 2005 11:02 pm
Mon Sep 12, 2005 11:03 pm
kathrynmw1 wrote:I have been to the wishingwell over 50 times I have tried asking for a Hieroglyph Fragment, a dirty stone fragment, a stone fragment, and a tablet fragment. Nothing works for me. I have offered as much as 1000 NP and as little as 10. I have also just tried refreshing where it says thank you for your donation. I did go back to the fortune teller before I started and refreshed untill she gave me the clue. So what am I doing wrong? I have used all lower case and just capitalized the first letter of each word. Any suggestions? I have put out some seriouse NP on this clue and still nothing.
Mon Sep 12, 2005 11:04 pm
Mon Sep 12, 2005 11:07 pm
Sinthe wrote:luv2lindy77 wrote:Sinthe wrote:I feel like a big dork for asking this, but I keep getting the big jelly blob when I try to do anything in my tomb... how do I get past it?
I assume you're trying to enter the tomb, not just navigate the tomb. You have to wait the full time (1 hour for traps, 12 hours for scrolls) before you can get back in.
If it happened while you were navigating the tomb and you didn't click on a colored door with a symbol above it, then perhaps you clicked the Back button in your browser? (Don't do it! Trust me!)
I did click the back button... Is it that big of an oops?
Mon Sep 12, 2005 11:08 pm
thestarthatislucky wrote:does any 1 know much about Professor Chesterpot
There is a collectable card featring him that might be some help
Mon Sep 12, 2005 11:10 pm
Trick wrote:Skynetmain wrote:luv2lindy77 wrote:I've seen people say they have 8 distinct symbols on their tablet. Is there anyone who doesn't have 8 distinct symbols (meaning four of the symbols are a duplicate of another on the tablet)?
I have nine
I have ten :/
Mon Sep 12, 2005 11:14 pm
Mon Sep 12, 2005 11:14 pm
susannahmio wrote:kathrynmw1 wrote:I have been to the wishingwell over 50 times I have tried asking for a Hieroglyph Fragment, a dirty stone fragment, a stone fragment, and a tablet fragment. Nothing works for me. I have offered as much as 1000 NP and as little as 10. I have also just tried refreshing where it says thank you for your donation. I did go back to the fortune teller before I started and refreshed untill she gave me the clue. So what am I doing wrong? I have used all lower case and just capitalized the first letter of each word. Any suggestions? I have put out some seriouse NP on this clue and still nothing.
I have no idea, I just donated 1 np and asked for Hieroglyph Fragment...
Mon Sep 12, 2005 11:20 pm
kathrynmw1 wrote:I have been to the wishingwell over 50 times I have tried asking for a Hieroglyph Fragment, a dirty stone fragment, a stone fragment, and a tablet fragment. Nothing works for me. I have offered as much as 1000 NP and as little as 10. I have also just tried refreshing where it says thank you for your donation. I did go back to the fortune teller before I started and refreshed untill she gave me the clue. So what am I doing wrong? I have used all lower case and just capitalized the first letter of each word. Any suggestions? I have put out some seriouse NP on this clue and still nothing.
Mon Sep 12, 2005 11:24 pm
Mon Sep 12, 2005 11:25 pm
Mon Sep 12, 2005 11:31 pm
kirichan wrote:kathrynmw1 wrote:I have been to the wishingwell over 50 times I have tried asking for a Hieroglyph Fragment, a dirty stone fragment, a stone fragment, and a tablet fragment. Nothing works for me. I have offered as much as 1000 NP and as little as 10. I have also just tried refreshing where it says thank you for your donation. I did go back to the fortune teller before I started and refreshed untill she gave me the clue. So what am I doing wrong? I have used all lower case and just capitalized the first letter of each word. Any suggestions? I have put out some seriouse NP on this clue and still nothing.
Once you get to the "Thanks for your donation page", scroll to the bottom... that's where my parchment was.