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PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 12:04 am 
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*blinks* Uh...Urth...Why would Ammer be executed? :roll:

Ooh. It's pretty. :D See all the pretty presents? They can be yours if you vote for me. Yet, none of you know me. T_T How sad. There's no way to get the pretty presents then. :(

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 1:42 am 
Beyond Godly
Beyond Godly

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Wow. What a game. What an ending!

Mas mothaionn tu fein mar rud eigin caite ar an dtra...
Lig dom goideail an croi duit...

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 1:43 am 
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As Innocents have won the game, everyone MUST post here only as the Gameplay thread will be locked.

Please state any comments, complaints, questions, etc... you may have.

Also, I have an apology to give. I believe I made it a tad easy for the Innocents to win. How? I gave away Kugetsu's identity due to how well it fit in with the plot. I believe I made it fairly obvious to who Malfoy was and I can't help but think I ruined the chances of many baddies in this game. And for all the baddies who feel as if I did, I'm sorry. I screwed up and I didn't realise it till someone pointed it out to me.

The rules were also very open and I feel as if this game ended so quickly with so many innocents because of me. I'm sorry once again.

Set by Medli

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 1:45 am 
Beyond Godly
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Really? I didn't think you made it that obvious at all. I figured Kugey out based solely on instinct and what Kuge said to me, and I had Keith spy on malfoy to figure him out....o.O

I agree, though, there should have been more baddies. More fun that way. ^^

Umm...Innocents pwn!

Who rezzed me the second time?

Another HPWW! Pwease? -beg-

Mas mothaionn tu fein mar rud eigin caite ar an dtra...
Lig dom goideail an croi duit...

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 1:46 am 
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.:Requiem:. wrote:
Who rezzed me the second time?

Both times were because of Robert.

Set by Medli

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 1:47 am 
Beyond Godly
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Wow....I was sure he'd only do the one. Thankies Robert!

Hrm....innocents should always be the in WWX..

Mas mothaionn tu fein mar rud eigin caite ar an dtra...
Lig dom goideail an croi duit...

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 1:57 am 
Beyond Godly
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Now, all you need to do is post the role sheets. :D

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 1:59 am 
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Ha! Looks like my cage killed Anubis anyway. Yes, you read that right, MY cage.
Ammer wrote:
Role: Argus Filch
Description: Argus Filch is a stubborn, mean old man who works for Hogwarts. He is the janitor/handyman of the school and takes no liking to anyone -- or anything for that matter (with the exception of his precious cat, Mrs. Norris). He is very strict with his punishments and will punish anyone severely if they misbehave or are caught trespassing on school grounds after dark.
Victory Condition: All evil is exterminated.
Member(s): DiscordantNote

What You Do:

1. Dumbledore has trusted you to keep a lookout for any trespassers (Especially in times like this). Therefore every odd night you may look around the school for any signs of trespassers, if you catch a trespasser you will give them detention for an entire cycle (One Day/One Night). To use this power, send me a list of four people and the person at the top of the list will be placed in detention if they are out at night and only if they are alive and unaffected after execution.

2. Spending time in your office and with your cat can leave you with only your thoughts to keep you entertained (Or naughty students). This is why you've created the Hexed Cage, this Hexed Cage is the first of its kind and being the inventor, you are quite pleased with yourself. However, you don't know if it works properly and you must find people to test it on. Every even night you will lead someone into the Hexed Cage and record your findings. The chosen "victim" will be lead into the Hexed Cage and will be given the option to go through five doors. The doors are labelled with a number and each door leads to something special. Here is what exactly the doors lead to,

Door 1 - Forbidden Forest
What does it do?: This door will send the victim into the Forbidden Forest where he/she will have to spend the night. I will check on them the next cycle to see if they are still alive, I will PM you with my results.

Door 2 - Death
What does it do?: It's self explanatory really, if the victim chooses this door they will die of instant death.

Door 3 - Freedom
What does it do?: The victim will be set free from the Hexed Cage, despite your conscious efforts to keep them in.

Door 4 - Myster Door
What does it do?: This door will stop the victim from using their powers or abilites in the following cycle (One Day/One Night), they will however be able to post and vote on the main Werewolf thread.

Door 5 - Freedom
What does it do?: The victim will be set free from the Hexed Cage, despite your conscious efforts to keep them in.

The victim will have three cycles to choose a door, if they take longer than that, they will die from lack of oxygen. During their time in the Hexed Cage, they will not be able to use there powers/abilites, they will not be able to post or vote on the main Werewolf thread, they won't be able to be killed/hexed/followed, etc... They will be immune from everything until they are out of the cage.

To do this power, send me a list of four people and the person at the top of the list will be kept in the Hexed Cage if they are alive and unaffected after execution. Keep in mind that you must send me the list BEFORE execution.

3. You may vote on the main Werewolf thread.

4. Please put your role name in the title of your PM as it can easily get mixed up with other lists.

I assume we can post our roles now anyway. It wouldn't hurt anything, would it?

Yes, I'm still alive...still alive...

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 2:09 am 
Beyond Godly
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Special Thanks to Discordant, innocents. We'd have all had our butts orasted wihtout her, yupyup. I'd post mine, but it' pretty much common knowledge at this point.

Pity I never got to metamorph or whatever...

Mas mothaionn tu fein mar rud eigin caite ar an dtra...
Lig dom goideail an croi duit...

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 2:13 am 
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.:Requiem:. wrote:
Special Thanks to Discordant, innocents. We'd have all had our butts orasted wihtout her, yupyup. I'd post mine, but it' pretty much common knowledge at this point.

Pity I never got to metamorph or whatever...

Well, the end of the game was severely delayed by Anubis staying in the cage, which wasn't too good.

Yes, I'm still alive...still alive...

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 2:14 am 
Beyond Godly
Beyond Godly

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Location: In my room listening to Hardcore Metal Christian music.
Role: Tom Riddle
Description: Tom Riddle, the real name of the Dark Lord Voldemort, is undoubtedly the most evil wizard to have ever lived. He has no regard for the feelings of other people. He mysteriously went missing in action after a failed attempt of baby Harry Potter's life. At an incident at the Ministry of Magic, Voldemort was found to be alive.
"Better save your own life and join me ... or you'll meet the same end as your parents .... they died begging me for mercy."
Victory Condition: Good is exterminated.
Member(s): o_0

What You Do:

1. You are not exactly human yet, so you must find a Death Eater to help give you a human form. To use this power, send me a list of four people and the person on the top of the list will be dreamt of if they are alive and unaffected after the execution. You must send this list BEFORE execution and I will let you know the result after night. You may use this power every night until you have found a Death Eater. Then you will lose this power and gain the rest of the powers listed.


2. You are a ruthless murderer, mastering the art of Avada Kedavra. Every night, you can kill one person. To use this spell, send me a list of four people and the person on the top of the list will be killed, accompanied by a flash of green light. You must send this list BEFORE execution.

3. The Dark Mark scares everyone who sees it. Once during the game, you may send the Dark Mark into the sky. To use this spell, you must PM me BEFORE the execution, and the Dark Mark will appear the following morning. This will make everyone but you and your fellow Death Eaters too frightened to use their roles or vote.

4. You still maintain some loyalty to your old house, Slytherin. You can gain 40 House Points for Slytherin if you say the words "silver" and "green" on the main Werewolf thread.

5. You may vote in the main Werewolf thread.

6. Please put your role name in the title as it can easily get mixed up with someone else's list.

:( And then I was converted to good. How rude.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 2:15 am 
Beyond Godly
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Location: Set by me.

Mas mothaionn tu fein mar rud eigin caite ar an dtra...
Lig dom goideail an croi duit...

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 2:17 am 

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Ammer wrote:
Role: The Weasley Siblings
Description: Fred, George and Ginny are part of the Weasley family. They have three other brothers, Ronald Weasley, Percy Weasley and Bill Weasley. Fred and George Weasely are identical twins and are a very comical pair. They enjoy creating joke items and have opened a shop in Diagon Alley called "Weasley Wizard Wheezes" and have made a lot of Galleons from it. Ginny on the other hand isn't as comical as her twin brothers, she is more serious and even if she isn't close to her older brother's, she still loves them very much.
"– or we can ask Fred and George, they know every secret passage out of the castle –"
Victory Condition: All evil is exterminated.
Member(s): BLK Mage, Divine, Urthdigger

What You Do:

1. Owning the "Weasely Wizard Wheezes" shop comes with its benefits. Every night you will be able to send an invention to a person and that person will have have no choice but to open it. The inventions are as follows,

Basic Blaze Box
A basic selection of Weasleys' Wild-Fire Whiz-Bangs, the twins' wizarding fireworks. These fireworks can cause a diversion, however the person who is holding them will be the diversion.

Canary Creams
Is seemingly a small custard snack and even it tastes like one however the eater will quickly change into a canary for a short amount of time. In this case, the person will be a canary for at least one day or one night. They can also post however they can only post with noises such as *squeak squeak, bawk bawk*

Fainting Fancy
Disguised as a sweet, this snack can cause someone to faint for an entire cycle.

Fake Wands
If someone is using a spell with a fake wand, the wand will turn into a harmless object like a carrot or a pencil.

You must choose one item and send me a list of four people on who you want to give that item too (Please put both the invention and the list of four people in the same PM). You cannot send an item twice in a row to someone. Also, you cannot send two of the same items to two different people. Keep in mind you must send me all lists BEFORE execution.

2. You must select a leader to send me the list of what invention you have chosen to send to someone. Also the leader must send the list of four people to which you want to give the invention to (Remember to combine both PM's, put the invention you chose to send and the list of four people on who you want to receive the invention in the same PM). Once your leader is chosen, send me a PM informing me who it is. In the event that your leader dies, you must choose a new leader. If you leader is unable to send in a list, than the leader must PM me and inform me who is sending the list. A reminder, any discussion about the leader must be PMed to me (If you don't know who is sending in the list, who's sending in the list when the leader is gone, etc...).

3. If one of the Weasley Siblings die, they remaing siblings will receive a free shot. You may use this shot whenever you want, simply send me a list of four people and the person on the top of the list will be killed if they are alive and unaffected. If another Weasley Sibling dies, another free kill will be given to the remaining sibling.

4. You are all protected by a 100% shield, each day your shield will go down by 5%. If you are targetted, I will randomize the amount of power the attacker's attack has and if it less than 100%, whoever is attacked will have that percentage subtraced from their shield making their shield less strong than it was before. If the attacker's attack is stronger, than whoever is attacked will die.

5. If any of your roles are asked to be revealed, the part before the dotted lines will be shown. Your individual roles will remain secret.

6. You may vote on the main Werewolf thread.

7. Please put your role name in the title as it can easily get mixed up with someone else's list.


Role: Ginny Weasley
Member(s): Divine

Individual Powers:

1. Once in this game you can use your good looks to attract any male player (Face it, girl's aren't that attracted to Ginny) to be lovestruck with you. If you are targetted for an attack, your lovestruck victim will sacrifice themselves instead. You may only do this once and if you choose a day when nothing happens to you, nothing will happen to your lovestruck victim and they will fall out of love.

2. Once in this game, you may repair your shield by 10% with the Reparo spell. To do this, PM me stating so.

3. You can choose to keep your individual role a secret or you can share it with your team mates.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 2:30 am 
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:D Discordant's role looked fun...^^

:roll: The ending was kinda...Scary...*fears Ammer and Monique*

Ooh. It's pretty. :D See all the pretty presents? They can be yours if you vote for me. Yet, none of you know me. T_T How sad. There's no way to get the pretty presents then. :(

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 2:31 am 
PPT Warrior
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Whoops, meant to say Anubis. They both start with A after all.

Role: The Weasley Siblings
Description: Fred, George and Ginny are part of the Weasley family. They have three other brothers, Ronald Weasley, Percy Weasley and Bill Weasley. Fred and George Weasely are identical twins and are a very comical pair. They enjoy creating joke items and have opened a shop in Diagon Alley called "Weasley Wizard Wheezes" and have made a lot of Galleons from it. Ginny on the other hand isn't as comical as her twin brothers, she is more serious and even if she isn't close to her older brother's, she still loves them very much.
"– or we can ask Fred and George, they know every secret passage out of the castle –"
Victory Condition: All evil is exterminated.
Member(s): BLK Mage, Divine, Urthdigger

What You Do:

1. Owning the "Weasely Wizard Wheezes" shop comes with its benefits. Every night you will be able to send an invention to a person and that person will have have no choice but to open it. The inventions are as follows,

Basic Blaze Box
A basic selection of Weasleys' Wild-Fire Whiz-Bangs, the twins' wizarding fireworks. These fireworks can cause a diversion, however the person who is holding them will be the diversion.

Canary Creams
Is seemingly a small custard snack and even it tastes like one however the eater will quickly change into a canary for a short amount of time. In this case, the person will be a canary for at least one day or one night. They can also post however they can only post with noises such as *squeak squeak, bawk bawk*

Fainting Fancy
Disguised as a sweet, this snack can cause someone to faint for an entire cycle.

Fake Wands
If someone is using a spell with a fake wand, the wand will turn into a harmless object like a carrot or a pencil.

You must choose one item and send me a list of four people on who you want to give that item too (Please put both the invention and the list of four people in the same PM). You cannot send an item twice in a row to someone. Also, you cannot send two of the same items to two different people. Keep in mind you must send me all lists BEFORE execution.

2. You must select a leader to send me the list of what invention you have chosen to send to someone. Also the leader must send the list of four people to which you want to give the invention to (Remember to combine both PM's, put the invention you chose to send and the list of four people on who you want to receive the invention in the same PM). Once your leader is chosen, send me a PM informing me who it is. In the event that your leader dies, you must choose a new leader. If you leader is unable to send in a list, than the leader must PM me and inform me who is sending the list. A reminder, any discussion about the leader must be PMed to me (If you don't know who is sending in the list, who's sending in the list when the leader is gone, etc...).

3. If one of the Weasley Siblings die, they remaing siblings will receive a free shot. You may use this shot whenever you want, simply send me a list of four people and the person on the top of the list will be killed if they are alive and unaffected. If another Weasley Sibling dies, another free kill will be given to the remaining sibling.

4. You are all protected by a 100% shield, each day your shield will go down by 5%. If you are targetted, I will randomize the amount of power the attacker's attack has and if it less than 100%, whoever is attacked will have that percentage subtraced from their shield making their shield less strong than it was before. If the attacker's attack is stronger, than whoever is attacked will die.

5. If any of your roles are asked to be revealed, the part before the dotted lines will be shown. Your individual roles will remain secret.

6. You may vote on the main Werewolf thread.

7. Please put your role name in the title as it can easily get mixed up with someone else's list.


Role: George Weasley
Member(s): Urthdigger

Individual Powers:

1. Once in this game you can steal the Marauder's Map from Harry (Hey, it was yours before you gave it to him!) and use it to find out where a person is. To find out where the person is, simply PM me asking for the Marauder's Map and with the name of the person you wish to track and I will tell you where they are.

2. You miss Quidditch every since you left school, perhaps this extra beater lying around you can come of use. It can destroy someone's shield (With a force of 40% itself), unless the shield it has attacked is very powerful, however even in that case the shield can be left damaged. To use this, simply PM me with a list of four people, the beater will only hit the player on the list who actually has a shield. If none of the player's on the last have a shield, the beater will swerve back and hit you (Damaging your shield). Also inform me in the PM that this is for the beater.

3. You can choose to keep your individual role a secret or you can share it with your team mates.

I'm glad sending treats was able to discover who a few of the people were. I'm afraid I got a tad inactive towards the end. We pretty much knew all the innocents and baddies, and any suspects got locked quickly so there wasn't much point in me voting.


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