<center>Werewolf: Harry Potter Edition</center>
"Welcome students to another exciting year at Hogwarts!" bellowed an elderly man, he smiled as he watched the hustle of a few students running to take their seats.
It was the first day of Hogwarts and once again, it was time for Dumbledore's annual speech. Dumbledore quickly cleared his throat and once again, began to speak, "I welcome all of you who are here for the first time, I welcome all of you who are returning to Hogwarts and of course, I welcome the wonderful staff,"
A roar of applause echoed in the Great Hall, many students were smiling, some were simply staring at the glamorous decorations hanging from the cieling, gleaming in the light.
"Thank you, thank you," said Dumbledore, nodding his head slightly, "However, things at Hogwarts this year will be slightly different to what your accustomed too,"
A few students were puzzled at this remark while others began to murmur.
"Quiet please," assured Dumbledore as he continued to explain, "The Ministry of Magic has alerted me that Hogwarts is in slight danger. But before you began to panic, please rest assured that the Ministry of Magic, your professors and I will make sure nothing happens to any of you,"
Dumbledore had stopped talking when he noticed a nearby student bending over their knees, it seemed as the girl was about to throw up.
"No need for that Mrs. Lee, you're perfectly safe at Hogwarts," Dumbledore spoke reassuringly.
The girl seemed a bit shocked that Dumbledore had suddenly spoken to her. She began to blush when she realised he was trying to prevent her from throwing up. Dumbledore simply smiled at her and carried on, "The Ministry of Magic has kindly sent us their finest Auror's, both of which graduated from Hogwarts at top honors, both Auror's will be patrolling along the hallways and if you feel a bit uncertain about anything, please inform them if they are nearby. If they aren't, go to the nearest staff member or myself,"
Various students looked at one another, they didn't seem to be understanding a word Dumbledore said.
"And with that I must say, I wish a successful year to all of you and I hope you have a good time at Hogwarts,"
With that remark, the students rose from their seats and began to assemble into their various houses before making their ways to the domitories.
House Points
Gryffindor: -30 Points Slytherin: -10 Points Hufflepuff: 55 Points Ravenclaw: 10 Points
(*Dranzer*) -- Rita Skeeter -- Killed -- Day 8 .:Compact Disk:. -- Snape -- Patronus Death -- Day 6 .:Requiem:. -- Tonks -- Revived -- Night 8 Alex Anubis -- Pansy Parkinson -- Killed in Forbidden Forest -- Night 8 Bangel -- Bellatrix Lestrange -- Executed -- Day 5 BLK Mage -- Fred Weasley -- Murdered -- Night 4 Breakthrough Christopher CWisgood -- Malfoy -- Executed -- Day 3 DiscordantNote Divine fzun jellyoflight -- Moaning Myrtle -- Modkilled -- Night 6 Keith -- Neville -- Mauled by Fenrir Greyback -- Night 2 Inexistence Kidwaiy -- Marcus Flint -- Defeated -- Night 8 Kugetsu -- Fenrir Greyback -- Executed -- Day 4 Mandy Matterbug o_0 -- Ron -- Murdered -- Night 6 Pixa Robert sirclucky Sock -- Augustus Rockwood -- Defeated -- Night 8 Stephanie -- Hagrid -- Mauled by Fenrir Greyback -- Night 1 Tharkun -- Lucius Malfoy -- Executed -- Day 5 the_dog_god -- Goyle -- Executed -- Day 2 Twisted Sanity Twizzler0171 -- Crabbe -- Executed -- Day 6 Urthdigger watericesage weewoman YesItIsh
Total Players: 34
Set by Medli
Last edited by Ammer on Fri Sep 02, 2005 1:41 am, edited 7 times in total.