I don't think I've ever been happier in my life! Okay, so I was sad that Kaysar is gone, but Janelle as HoH! I was so worried when Rachel was eliminated, but Janey pulled through!
I hope that Jenn gets evicted. It will follow the tradition of people getting evicted when they are the ones responsible for other's evictions. Cappy evicted Michael. Kaysar evicted Cappy. Maggie evicted Kaysar.
I'm SO glad they showed the Howie/April blow up outside. That was really awesome. I told my friends about it after reading it on here, and I wasn't sure if they would find it as good as I did reading it. But it was so much better on T.V.!
Janelle is so awesome. And she get's the best lines!
"Howie you look like a jerk"
"At least he doesn't look like a liar"
And my personal favourite quote of all time:
"Rachel, you're beautiful... Howie, you're awesome... Maggie, you're a stupid ______"
Okay, so Howie and Janelle were portrayed as being the bad guys, and I'll have to admit that Howie's remarks about April's dog, while HILARIOUS, were a bit harsh.... but messing with them psychologically is a good strategy. And apparently very easy to do.
Since they don't want to air racial slurs and such on tv... none of the apparently numerous things she says ever makes it so it's just her looking like a lvl headed person all the time.
I agree! I was actually thinking "Wow, Ivette isn't that bad now..." but I then remembered how they don't show her being racist side.
Putting up Jen and Maggie was smart because obviously Beau and Ivette will keep Maggie. And really, if one of them wins veto, they can just put up April. Or if April wins veto, they put up Ivette. It's such a win-win scenario here. None of this "Oh let's try to get rid of James" bull. Cause we all know how that works.
Speaking of James, he could always go back to Howie/Rachel/Janelle. Sure, he blames them for Sarah's eviction, but they DID try to convince everyone to get rid of Ivette instead of her.
Oh and I was getting so mad when Jenn/April/Maggie/Beau were calling Janelle a liar. She hasn't lied once. Unlike Jenn and Co., even though they wanted to get rid of Ivette instead of Sarah, they kept to their words (it'd be nice if they brought that up in the show).
who else wanted to just jump through their tv and smack the crap out of Jennifer when she was saying "And b/c they didn't take it off quick the promise was off" or whatever the heck she said to try to make herself sleep better at night.
Uumm.... ME! I don't think I've ever wanted to jump into tv more than I wanted to at that moment. Which is saying a lot, cause I want to jump into tv a lot (especially during tense episodes of the O.C).