Fiddelysquat wrote:
Hil wrote:
YES. They did that for the last book too. Inconsiderate little...@#(#%@)$@#)(!%^#. It was on a forum, not here though. It was like a misc. discussion I think and someone put something like "I can't believe _____ dies in book 5/book 6!"
You're right it wasn't here. I'd've flayed them alive myself!

What an inconsiderate dolt!
Actually, someone posted it here.
Subject: "Hey! Look at this topic!"
Post: "______ kills ______."
Couple of days ago. I kinda ran around on AIM screaming at people trying to find a Misc. Disc. mod (confused poor Scott), before Chass came online. "Chass. DELETE. NOW!"
Luckily it was only here for about 10 minutes
That said, it wasn't spoiled for me, since I bought the book about 10 minutes after the release (no queues, yay!), and read it in just over 3 hours.
One of my "friends" (girl who hangs around my group at school and is annoying as hell) walked up to someone at school and goes, "I can't believe _____ dies!", without even asking if she'd read the book. *stabs her*