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 Post subject: What would you add to Neopets (if you could)?
PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 3:06 pm 

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Basically, what would you add to New Features if you were in TNT? What are your suggestions for TNT (assuming they'd listen...)?

Stuff I'd add/change:

- Make paint brushes a little more common. I mean, the inflation just goes up and up and up...

- Add some more cards to Neodecks, and revamp some of the old cards that have ugly art. Neodecks seem to have been neglected for a long time.

- You know how the Pound always claims that there are 1, 2, or over 60 pets in the Pound - always one of those three numbers, never more or less? Either change it to actually count the number of abandoned pets, or just don't bother to mention numbers at all. :P

- Let pets keep their fishing skill level after being put in the Pound. They keep their other stats, why do they lose fishing skill?

- Correct the grammar/capitalizations in the pet personality thing (fluffy234 likes Making new Friends, when greeting friends fluffy234 would Very Friendly). Yeah, it's a small detail. It just annoys me sometimes.

- That's all I can think of right now...

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 3:48 pm 
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Every item would have a use. There would be no useless items just to collect or look at.

You could arrange items in your store any way you wanted them to look.

You could arrange items in your SDB better.

Painted pets would have certain abilities that came with being painted and also certain weaknesses. That is, fire pets would be better at fire abilities but weak to water attacks.

I would have one really hard super logic puzzle and the winners would get a really really cool rare pet that would never be released again or they would get to paint their existing pet any color and the staff would have to draw it if it were possible.

Some of the letters that neopets gets as suggestions would appear on the site and people could see what suggestions came in and then people could vote for what they liked.

There would be something like the editoral in the times but with questions answered nearly every day.

The webcam would be more live, not like looking at the wall or the same plushies for a week.

There would always be a plot or a war going on nearly all the time.

You could "walk" your pet around in your neohome and interact with stuff, like in the sims. ANd you could visit other people's houses and have a party and all that.

Pet pets would have more uses besides saying prrrr and stuff.

Your own pets would have more interactions.

And my main thing would be that there would be a Sloth Plot where we see Sloth as a little Alien and find out how he came to be Sloth and how he came to be evil and we find out where he is from and all that. And how Neopia was created and all that. Because we really don't know.


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PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 4:14 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Paint brushes to be more accesable/cheaper.

And while they're on paintbrushes, they should add a ninja paintbrush. 8)

Pets should have more personality.

We should be able to talk to our pets, give them gifts and develop more of a relationship with them. And if they had more personality, they would react in different ways to what we'd do with them and what we gave them.


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PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 4:16 pm 
Beyond Godly
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- Make it possible to transfer pets from one account to another.

- When doing a faerie quest, you get to choose what pet the faerie blesses ( i'm sick of them always blessing the non-BD pet)

- Make it an option weather to show the sidebar theme count on the lookup, as well as the fishing skills on the pets page.

Thats all I could think of for now.

~Set by moogie~

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 4:38 pm 
PPT Toddler
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i would reredo the nimmos. they are STILL wierd looking....the legs are too long and skinny... :roflol:

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 4:49 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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- Revamp the Pteri like the Red Pteri TCG
- Make more NeoHome accsessories and/or be able to put other little things like useless items in here
- Even more NeoHome furniture
- Deflaaation, but not too much so so it's still a challenge to get stuff!
- Make a really really really really REALLY cute kitten petpet <3
- Unfreeze nice people
- FIX freezing system


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 4:50 pm 
Beyond Godly
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i'd have the neodecks do more than just sit there being pretty. like you should be able to trade cards and coins and stamps that are in the albums from accounts. and there should be some kind of online TCG thing for us poor people

Losers are those who do not try

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 5:40 pm 
PPT Toddler
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Most of the things I'm going to add have already been said.

1. Cheap, yet nice-looking paintbrushes that even newbies can get. I don't mean like the starter paintbrushes, I mean like new colors that were cheap and would stay cheap.

2. Is this too much to ask?? That the staff come and have fun on the boards, and actually watch them? If they were, wrong-doers would be iced/warned almost instantly. Now we must wait for some reports to go through first. Is it too much to ask that the staff chat and be silly and have fun on the boards?? On some other petsites, staff come and chat. It's a lot of fun!

3. Don't automaticly freeze people if some bean-brain reports them for no good reason. Actully read the report and post/neomail/ect. and see if this person deserves being frozen, warned, etc.

4. Update the older pets (the chia is screaming REVAMP NOW!) and have a voting each time. Don't revamp unless it really needs it!!! -pokes Acara revamp-

5. Let pets have a personality, walk around in your Neohome, play with siblings and pets, etc. And maybe you could give your pet money and let it shop for whatever it wants!

6. And depending on the personality and color the pet would have weaknesses/strengths.

7. Get rid of the bottom ad, make the top one smaller. Like the 2nd sidebar was.

8. Do your best to chop the scammer population is half! Ban repeat offenders from Neopets for good!

7 and 8 are the things that give Neopets a rating of 4 or less on some topsites!

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 5:50 pm 
PPT Toddler
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- Make the Custom Support Better

- Add a Marbles Game

- Add Custom Avatars

- Add Kreludan Mining Corp. and Gadgadsgabon Puzzle avatars


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 6:21 pm 
PPT Warrior
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Release the items that they've announced, but remain unreleased.

Don't post things in New Features UNTIL they are released. Or have a thing where the second new features goes up, the items are released.

REWRITE THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Make them understandable, clear, and consise. List all the things that are reportable, and DEFINE them, especially for newbies who don't KNOW what spamming is or what harrassment actually includes.

Actually have a team of people who go through reports. That's their job. That's it. Let them actually take care of things, and pay attention to details, so when the unsuspecting new person has been on the site for 1 hour, manages to find an expensive item for really cheap on trades, then people get jealous and report for "scamming", they're not reported (Sorry, just happened to my friend).

Get rid of the stupid 1000np cap on games.

Don't let people get the same trophies month after month after month. If somebody has been in 1st for the last year, give other people a chance.

Tweak World Challenges, and crack down on cheating.

BRING BACK IP BANNING! Especially for auto-spammers....

Kyuubi made me this totally awesome set!!
I <3 Kyuubi!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 7:54 pm 
PPT Toddler
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1. 16 pets allowed on each account

2. Private Adoptions - the ability to give a pet to a specific user.

3. For a fee allow people to change the names of existing pets.

4. Raise the payout on all flash games.

5. If a pet that you own gets revamped you would have the option of updating the image or not. You could keep the old style pet if that is what you prefer.

6. Have a Restocking War - kind of like they have at Subeta. There would be a high scores table and trophy for the people who restock the most rare items each month. Every month the top 25 people would get to go on a shopping spree. Everybody on the site except for the winners would be restock banned for a couple of hours.

7. Run all auctions under the same system ebay uses.

8. Have goverment auctions kind of like they have at Power Pets - all items from frozen accounts get put up in mystery lot auctions.

9. Add a MahJong style flash game.

10. Add a Jigsaw Puzzle type flash game.

11. Add a Pictionary, Ink Link, I Sketch type multiplayer drawing game using only words and items from neopets.

12. Anybody cought spamming the Trading Post with chain letters is never allowed to use the Trading Post again. Ever.

13. All Paint Brush Plushies get turned into different items so nobody will ever be tricked into thinking they are buying a real paint brush.

14. Get rid of fixed prices based on rarity in the TNT controlled shops.

15. Make the Symol Hole a free lab ray for petpets, one that can change its color or species.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Jul 22, 2005 12:32 am 
Beyond Godly
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1. Rewrite/revamp the T&C - no more vagueness, no more unwritten rules or rules that are mentioned once in the News or the NT and never seen again - until someone's warned/suspended/frozen. Be VERY clear on the dos and don'ts of multiple accounts (contests/shops/tp, etc.)

Also agree with hiring more staff so things can be looked into and addressed on a timely basis. Waiting months for an autoresponse or never getting an answer at all is beyond frustrating.

2. Names - there are words that are not allowed on the site. I understand it and for the most part appreciate it. But this should extend to user/pet/petpet names. Don't wait and freeze people or remove a pet for an "inappropriate" name; or names you can't even type on the boards (like if you're wiz searching for a quest) - just stop the person from being able to use that name.

3. Increase restocks. I know, there are people this would adversely affect, but I think overall it would actually help the neo-economy and of course, be a huge help for those of us who are restock-challenged (don't know what to buy/have a slow computer or connection) ... we'd have some kind of chance to get ... something!

Also, something needs doing about the pricing in the main shops - many times they're much higher than user shops!

4. Faerie Quests. Definitely! make it so either it's your active pet or your choice of pet that gets blessed. I've stopped doing quests completely. I'm tired of getting stats on my non-battling pet (he never gets them!). And no, I'm not disowning my other pets just for quest stats.

5. Character Limits - increase the character limits on lookups/petpages/shops/galleries. With the change to all-browser friendly coding, along with all the nifty things you can and want to do, we need more space!

6. More non-flash games that aren't gambling-type games. Yes, I like my flash games, but some of them don't always work right/work for people with slower/older computers and/or connections.

7. A "sticky" inside each board - the very first post should have at least an abbreviated version of the Chat Rules. Too many people don't read them, they're too lazy to go to another page or some don't even know it's there! Things like spam - what it is and not to do it, chain letters (even though it's on the site not to, people are still doing them), etc.

8. Put the shop wizard back the way it was - this new broken-down version just takes too long, too many refreshes to find something or even to find your own shop.

That's all I can really think of at the moment. Think that's enough though. Yeah, I talk too much :P

Image Image

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 22, 2005 1:28 am 
PPT Toddler
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I'd want a way you could add anything to your neohome, like books. I'd also like a way you could see your room frome different angles.

For the love of God, Montresor!
Yes, for the love of God!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Jul 22, 2005 5:43 am 
PPT Trainee
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6. Have a Restocking War - kind of like they have at Subeta. There would be a high scores table and trophy for the people who restock the most rare items each month. Every month the top 25 people would get to go on a shopping spree. Everybody on the site except for the winners would be restock banned for a couple of hours.

That strikes me as a very poorly conceived idea.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Jul 22, 2005 5:50 am 
PPT Toddler
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Kess wrote:
6. Have a Restocking War - kind of like they have at Subeta. There would be a high scores table and trophy for the people who restock the most rare items each month. Every month the top 25 people would get to go on a shopping spree. Everybody on the site except for the winners would be restock banned for a couple of hours.

That strikes me as a very poorly conceived idea.

i agree

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