SHHH!!! Can you read? Want to prove it? Meet fellow book worms and discuss the literary brilliance of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.
Fri Jul 15, 2005 11:31 pm
ShyShy wrote:That rabid dog comment made me think of Sirius
. I hope it's Lupin on a full moon, DIE MALFOY!!
EDIT: Maybe he, uhh, okay, you got me.
I think Malfoy is funny, I like it when he's being sarky.
I got over the Sirius thing a while back, now I see how silly it was.
Poem I found:
Sirius Black,
Survived his family,
Fought Voldemort and Death Eaters,
Escaped from Azkaban,
Outwitted Ministry,
Killed by drapery.
Fri Jul 15, 2005 11:38 pm
Stijn wrote:According to user Shoelace it's fake. Got posted on LJ by some idiot.
People these days. Have to ruin everything.
I was hoping it was a fake.
Shoelace: Love that poem. Makes me feel loads better about Sirius's death. XD
Fri Jul 15, 2005 11:44 pm
One last theory: Harry may be revealed to be the Heir of Gryffindor in HBP, much to my annoyance.
I'm not looking, but if I get to page 606 and someone dies, well... I will strangle the person who posted it.
Anyway, yes. Even ruthless children's authors have to show restraint sometimes. Remus had better survive.
Sat Jul 16, 2005 2:54 am
I am terribly afraid that this is somewhat nongermane and very redundant, but I deem it necessary at this moment to verbalize the epitomy of joyfulness:
Thank you for your patronage and understanding.
Sat Jul 16, 2005 3:14 am
I just got back from the book store, and there was a Harry Potter Party going on there. (I got to make my own wand! Yay!) There were LOTS of people dressed up, I mean lots! And there were little stations for kids with Harry Potter related activites. Very, very fun.
Anyway, Shoelace, I love that Sirius poem. Made me laugh!
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