“Soon you will be complete...”
And old woman sat in a rocking chair, idly rocking back and forth. Knitting needles in hand. Half glazed over eyes looked up and cross the room. In the corner was a large cylinder looking thing coved in a blood red sheet. There were a few tubes running out from under the fabric and right into the floor. Streams of bubbles shot up the tubes from time to time, someone times different colors: reds, blues, greens, purples, whites and blacks. Whatever was under that sheet was alive.
A young man walked into the room and gently placed his hand on the old woman’s should, being careful not to startle her. “We can’t keep him here...you know that...” he murmured in a quiet voice. “It’s not safe for him.”
“I won’t have him go...” she replied, closing her eyes, aged fingers tightening around her knitting. “I won’t allow it...”
“He needs to be with others like him. It’s only right...what kind of life would he have with us...” the man sighed, “...Mother, please, be reasonable...when he wakes up...he could kill us. You know that as well as I do.”
“He was an angel before...I don’t see what could have changed.” she murmured, glancing back at her son.
“...after that accident...in the lab, something happened. He’s not your grandson anymore. He’s not my son anymore. He’s something different.” he sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. “I was only able to save him because of the tinkering I did with his actual makeup.”
“I don’t care what you did to the boy, he’s not going anywhere.” the old woman protested.
“He’s not even real...you know this. He was created.” the man muttered, shaking his head, “...he wasn’t an angel before...he wasn’t a demon. He was my little boy, now...he’s not even that...”
“You love him...still. Don’t you?” she asked quietly, settling back in her chair. “Even if he’s not human...”
“Of course I do. I love him more then anything. But...now...I can’t say what he’d do. That’s why I wanted to send him to a place where he’d be with others like him.”
“Whatever you think is best, son.” she sighed, starting her knitting again. “...you kept me after all...”
The man let out a quiet shutter, “I-I know. I know I kept you mother...”
A large stone building stood in the middle of a grassy field. There were a few smaller buildings around, but the central building was the most noticeable. What was this cluster of buildings you ask? Well it was very simply a boarding school, thought the students that attended weren’t all that normal.
Most of the students there were outside that day, playing in the grass, sitting by the lake. Many normal things. A few chose to stay inside though, but that was only normal for them. For you see, each and every student there had some sort of power or ability. Some were stronger then others, and some had more control.
It was a relatively sunny day, not too many clouds in the sky. But something was approaching. Something dark, something sinister, yet...something filled with light and purity.
A white van pulled up to the gates of the school. Upon gaining entrance, the van slowly drove towards the school, as students started to crowd around, trying to see what was inside.
Finally, they had made it. Two guards hopped out of the van and when to the back, opening the doors. Inside was a boy, about the age of seventeen. His clothing was of a dark coloring, not that much could be seen because of the tight straps wrapped around his upper body, holding his arms and anything else in place. He seemed very pale, almost white. Yet his hair was a dark brown, almost black color. His eyes were most interesting. One was white, the other black. This one was a strange one indeed.
~*~*~*~ Hey all...what do you think about that as a great Anime Queen comeback?
Heh, well...I know I’ve been gone for a long time. Okay, maybe not that long. But...the great AQ has been gone for maybe two years. My normal skills have been dried up by school. But anyway, I’m back. Hopefully my comeback story will be a welcome one and a popular story. And all you regulars to my stories I expect to at least hear from you. Don’t make me find you.
~*~*~*~ Anyway, to the story, Boarding school, kids with powers. Simple no? Just a tip, please, please, please, don’t post bios...just introduce your character like I did. Also, no perfect people, etc. You know the drill.
