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 Post subject: Two-Toned
PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 9:42 am 
PPT Toddler
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Location: Somewhere...rather cold...+shivers+
“Soon you will be complete...”

And old woman sat in a rocking chair, idly rocking back and forth. Knitting needles in hand. Half glazed over eyes looked up and cross the room. In the corner was a large cylinder looking thing coved in a blood red sheet. There were a few tubes running out from under the fabric and right into the floor. Streams of bubbles shot up the tubes from time to time, someone times different colors: reds, blues, greens, purples, whites and blacks. Whatever was under that sheet was alive.

A young man walked into the room and gently placed his hand on the old woman’s should, being careful not to startle her. “We can’t keep him know that...” he murmured in a quiet voice. “It’s not safe for him.”

“I won’t have him go...” she replied, closing her eyes, aged fingers tightening around her knitting. “I won’t allow it...”

“He needs to be with others like him. It’s only right...what kind of life would he have with us...” the man sighed, “...Mother, please, be reasonable...when he wakes up...he could kill us. You know that as well as I do.”

“He was an angel before...I don’t see what could have changed.” she murmured, glancing back at her son.

“...after that the lab, something happened. He’s not your grandson anymore. He’s not my son anymore. He’s something different.” he sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. “I was only able to save him because of the tinkering I did with his actual makeup.”

“I don’t care what you did to the boy, he’s not going anywhere.” the old woman protested.

“He’s not even know this. He was created.” the man muttered, shaking his head, “...he wasn’t an angel before...he wasn’t a demon. He was my little boy, now...he’s not even that...”

“You love him...still. Don’t you?” she asked quietly, settling back in her chair. “Even if he’s not human...”

“Of course I do. I love him more then anything. can’t say what he’d do. That’s why I wanted to send him to a place where he’d be with others like him.”

“Whatever you think is best, son.” she sighed, starting her knitting again. “ kept me after all...”

The man let out a quiet shutter, “I-I know. I know I kept you mother...”

A large stone building stood in the middle of a grassy field. There were a few smaller buildings around, but the central building was the most noticeable. What was this cluster of buildings you ask? Well it was very simply a boarding school, thought the students that attended weren’t all that normal.

Most of the students there were outside that day, playing in the grass, sitting by the lake. Many normal things. A few chose to stay inside though, but that was only normal for them. For you see, each and every student there had some sort of power or ability. Some were stronger then others, and some had more control.

It was a relatively sunny day, not too many clouds in the sky. But something was approaching. Something dark, something sinister, yet...something filled with light and purity.

A white van pulled up to the gates of the school. Upon gaining entrance, the van slowly drove towards the school, as students started to crowd around, trying to see what was inside.

Finally, they had made it. Two guards hopped out of the van and when to the back, opening the doors. Inside was a boy, about the age of seventeen. His clothing was of a dark coloring, not that much could be seen because of the tight straps wrapped around his upper body, holding his arms and anything else in place. He seemed very pale, almost white. Yet his hair was a dark brown, almost black color. His eyes were most interesting. One was white, the other black. This one was a strange one indeed.

Hey all...what do you think about that as a great Anime Queen comeback?

Heh, well...I know I’ve been gone for a long time. Okay, maybe not that long. But...the great AQ has been gone for maybe two years. My normal skills have been dried up by school.
But anyway, I’m back. Hopefully my comeback story will be a welcome one and a popular story.

And all you regulars to my stories I expect to at least hear from you. Don’t make me find you.

Anyway, to the story, Boarding school, kids with powers. Simple no?
Just a tip, please, please, please, don’t post bios...just introduce your character like I did.
Also, no perfect people, etc. You know the drill.


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PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 1:52 pm 
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((By introduce, you mean to just start RPing, right? As you did? If not, ignore this.))

A girl with short, dark red hair neared the gate as the van pulled up. She liked to watch the new children come; see what they look like, learn their power. Maybe talk to them. She knew instantly this one wasn't like the rest of them. They were all different (she didn't like to use the word strange) in some way, but this one looked much more than just different. She stepped back from her post as she noticed more students coming to investigate.

((Hopefully I did that right. Her name, power, etc. will be known as the story goes on.))

the greatest love story never told.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 3:12 pm 
Beyond Godly
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((YAY IT'S ANIME QUEEN!!! I haven't seen you since that RP where You were that demon with 3 forms. *screams* You're back!!! :o))
A boy sat in the Corner of his room, tears streaming down his face. The emptyness, it was unbearable. 'Why did they leave me here? They said we were going to a theme park.' He thought to himself. 'Where's Grace? Is she here too?'

The boy was around 15 he wore a Long sleeved white t-shirt with a brown one over it and baggy jeans. He had long, light brown hair and hazel eyes.

His eyes were what were the most striking thing about him. Nobody around him could not stare into them for a few minutes when they first meet him.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 3:35 pm 
Beyond Godly
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A small, pale girl sat under a spreading oak by the lake, her knees pulled up to her chin. She wore a simple white dress, faded stains patterning the skirt. Her long, dark hair fell messily into her face, obscuring her large, amber eyes. Her face and arms were marked with strange tattooes in dark blue ink, with the same symbol repeated over and over in swirling patterns: a teardrop over a diamond. Her age was anyone's guess; she might have been fifteen or sixteen, but she was so stunted in growth that she looked to be about nine.

Softly, a voice issued from behind her.

"Yume? Yume....Come on, there's someone new!"

The girl buried her face in her knees, shutting out the sound, pushing the world away....

((This looks good....))


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PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 3:55 pm 
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Emra smiled at the boy, her near the front of the crowd. It was always interesting to see who was new, what their power was, etc. Her white-silver hair fanned behind her in the wind, and she consciously knew that she was strange to look at. White-silver hair, pale blue eyes, pale, pale skin, and slim. A strange beauty that seemed to haunt her. Her smile was kind and reassuring, but in her eyes darkness flickered. She remembered when she was new here as well.

Original Joined Date: November 30th, 2002

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 4:34 pm 
Beyond Godly
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[Anime Queeeeeeeeeeen! *gives a huge hug* You're back! *wuffs*

Oh, and Ammy! Yay!

Are we allowed pets? :P]

The boy came out of the large oak doors, into the sunshine. He blinked several times and pushed his sunglasses further onto his nose. The seventeen year old stepped down the steps and towards the white van. He remembered just how he had come to the school, in that same van. It seemed like an age ago now; the boarding school was like his home.

He walked quickly towards the van, catching sight of a boy about his age, his arms bound beside him so he couldn't lash out. Vaguely, the boy remembered arriving at the school in the same fashion.

He pushed to the front and looked directly at the boy, smiling.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 8:17 pm 
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The crowds were getting rather large now, and a few students were pushing the girl against the gate. This annoyed her a rather lot. She always liked to pretend that she was a figure of great authorative power around the school (though she was a bit like a door mat, actually; one of the least respected students in the entire school, due to her small and barely useful power). She considered yelling at the students pushing her to back off, but she knew she'd be ignored. She decided to simply elbow the one nearest to her.

"Good God, Willow! Watch where you're elbowing!" yelled the angry student.

She blushed, but then was overcome with joy at the thought that he knew her name.

((And this is my character. It's Alyson Hannigan, yes, but my character is based off someone she played on a television show, who, obviously, is named Willow. I don't really plan to go more into her physical features more in the RP, so this is incase anyone was wondering. And no, my character doesn't put on all that makeup and take hours to style her hair like that; that picture is just a basic outline of what she looks like.))

the greatest love story never told.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 8:52 pm 
Beyond Godly
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The boy felt another person push him aside - he fell sideways and managed to steady himself, and stood up straight again. The van was now blocking his view of the sun. The boy once more readjusted his sunglasses. "Willow?" the boy whispered.

He brushed his blonde hair out of his eyes. It had got in behind the sunglasses and was irritating his face. He scratched his nose. "Willow?" he asked again.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 8:56 pm 
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Hearing her name in a familiar voice, Willow turned around, searching with her eyes for the person who was calling her name.

"Luke!" she said under her breath, after finding him, "You should have waited for me to come find you inside. You wouldn't want to have... an accident, would you? There's lot of things to trip over you know, due to your... klumsyness."

She made sure to keep her tone very low.

the greatest love story never told.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 9:03 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Yume looked up slowly, sure that she was alone. She wanted to stay here, under the tree, but unless she moved, they would come for her again....The adults would come and take her inside, and then she would be forced to be with the others....Slowly, she rose to her feet, and began to walk carefully toward the crowd, her arms spread out as if she were on a narrow bridge. Her movements were shaky and cautious, and she made almost no noise as she moved over the grass on bare feet. At last she was standing at the very edge of the group, her eyes averted to the ground in case anyone should notice her. The adults would be pleased, though....


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PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 9:42 pm 
PPT Toddler
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(Again...this is what I get for sleeping. Nine replied...five people...two fans. Oh it's good to be back.

Anyway...time for the Q&A section

Bangel - Yes, just start with your character. Just as you did ^^

.:Chronically Depressed:. - heh, really wish I could say hi, but...I don't remember you as that name. e.e That's why I never change, people still know me.

Anubis - Yay you're still alive. Um, yes...pets are allowed, but no all powerful things that can blow up the world. No alpha and omega please ^^

Maybe I should post now...)

The teenager was lead past the groups of other teens. The guards were pushing a few students out of the way. Finally the child was inside. He was lead, more like dragged to the main office. He was shoved into a chair. Question after question was asked. The administrative officers got nothing in response. The guards had to rely on the information that they were given to figure out what the hell this child was.

“His name was Nekura Hitonoii. He had just turned seventeen. He must remain in these straps at all times. At least until he can control his powers.“ One guard muttered, “...Seems as though he was a handful when he was at the other facility.” The guard paused, flipping through a few papers, “...says here that he should be kept in solitary confinement.”

“That is unheard of...even if he isn’t under full control he will not be separated, well...not completely, only if there are problems.” The head of the school replied.


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PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 3:31 am 
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Clair Kendall sat on the steps of the school, her stubby nose buried in a book, and her short hot-pink hair was in pigtails. She wore gold-rimmed glasses, which her somali cat Freckles loved to paw at. Now he was sitting beside her, watching Clair read her book. "Heard there's a new kid today," she whispered to Freckles. Clair had sat off to the side of the steps, not wanting to go inside just yet. The book she was reading happened to be a book her father gave her years ago, before kissing her goodbye and sending her here. He said to write to him, and that she did.
Clair picked up Freckles and headed inside. She didn't want to miss anything that was happening inside.

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 1:13 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Yume stood meekly at the edge of the crowd, a tiny ghost of a girl. No one would notice her here; they were all distracted by the new arrival. She too could feel his presence, a strange, hurt being, his every movement watched by guards.

It's not right.... she thought, scratching at the dirt with her foot. It's not right....They should let him go....

As the group of teenagers began to disperse and move back inside, Yume stood perfectly still, allowing herself to be jostled by the activity of the crowd. Someone touched her shoulder; she ignored it. Everything here was wrong....Too many people, too much light, too much noise....No quiet places in the darkness to curl up and dream....

((Picture of Yume Musoka can be found here.))


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PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 2:34 pm 
Beyond Godly
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((I was ARGH Fry :) then I changed my name to this! ^_^))
I small Girl, around six or seven years old, sat in her room on her own. She missed her brother. Where was he? Why had her Mother and Father left them here?

She was not crying. She was beyond crying now. She was also too dehydrated to cry.

Her long black hair covered her face. She was shaking, she had no idea what had happened to her.

"Anka!" She cried out. "Anka where are you?" She got no answer.

Everything was quiet without him. Without them being close together their abilities didn't work.

It was all she heard, and she'd never been used to the quiet.

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Last edited by .:Compact Disk:. on Fri Jul 08, 2005 2:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 5:04 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Luke reached out and clutched at Willow's arm. Several of the children cat called. 'They don't know,' Luke thought, 'they don't know half of it...'

He grinned, showing his fake good humour. He muttered to Willow, "Sorry... I had to see... there was light... vaguely... someone pushed me... darkness..."

A white Westie padded up to Luke, sniffing at his legs and licking them. He jumped up at his owner, and Luke let go of Willow's arm, catching his dog, feeling him and tickling his stomach.

"Should we go inside...?"

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