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PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 7:52 pm 
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"Yeah, demons, you know the kind that can actually kill us as cold-bloodedly as we kill people. Charming don't you think?" Katrina said to the girl who had just spoken.

Loosing her concentration Katrina turned her head and looked to her left with empty eyes. Comfortable speaking of the demons or not she was not comfortable actually imagining another power with immense strength wiping out the Akute from the face of this planet.

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 11:49 pm 
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.:Glass Miracle:. wrote:
[To Jade: I thought we were only allowed to have one kind of weapon? I was given the impression that if a character chooses a gun, he/she can't have a sword/knife.]

[*Runs back to check the rules*]

[GC checking the rules ... >.< Heh, oops. *cough* *speaks through a broken intercom* Could everyone now please tweak their bios down to one type of weapon only ... though if you've used more than one in previous posts you don't need to change your RP'ing.]

[Thanks for reminding me btw :hug: ]

Lance once again swept his eyes over the audience. "Wow, quite a lot of ladies," he voiced aloud to nobody in particular. "Of course, I'm irresistable." And of course, he had completely forgotten the four male members in the foyer, too.

Menai directed an icy glare in the leader's direction, though he didn't notice.

[Okies, I need everybody who isn't in the foyer (Eithne, Anka, Grace) to get there now please ... apart from Elouai who I must request to stay with Sarena so we can meet her later ^.^]


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PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2005 2:02 am 
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Seiryu rolled his eyes at Lance's joke, shaking his head slightly in amusement. Inwardly he was slightly annoyed that his question had been ignored, but he understood that other questions had come up and the others were more important then his. Seiryu's gaze swept the room, taking note of the growing number of people. More and more of the Akute members were conjugating in the foyer, Seiryu guessed that something was going to happen soon. It wasn't everyday that there was a gathering this large.

[One type of weapon? Does that mean a sword user can't use a knife? .-. technicaly they are both bladed weapons.]


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2005 3:21 pm 
Beyond Godly
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((Well I was on my way anyway Jade :P))
Grace stopped at the huge Iron door to the foyer, Anka trailing behind, she entered to find the strange scene. Lots of people were in the foyer, which was usually almost empty. She looked around at everyone, They seemed to be mostly staring at the people talking to Lance, She started to aproach.

Anka had caught up and lent on the door for a little while to catch his breath. He opened the door and entered. He caught up to Grace.
"What's happening here?" He whispered to her.
"I don't know. But we need to report to Lance." She replied.

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2005 5:10 pm 
Beyond Godly
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||SORRY!!!! I've barely even been home since this started.


Eithne made her way towards the foyer, looking far the worse for wear after her latest mission. The target had had far more guards than she'd expected, and--though she'd die before admitting it--her guard had been down.

Nontheless, though, the taget was dead, and she'd survived to report to Lance.

Approaching the foyer, she barely glanced at Grace and Anka, being in no mood to socialize. As she entered the foyer, searchin for Lance, blood oozing from a shallow cut on her firearm dripped to the floor, leaving several small drolets on the floor. She ignored it.

Finally spotting Lance among the throng of people, she immediately began pushing her way towards him.

Mas mothaionn tu fein mar rud eigin caite ar an dtra...
Lig dom goideail an croi duit...

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2005 8:57 pm 

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"Here's your tea," Adner said, after searching through his store of drinks for something non-alcoholic. "Not that strong, but its the only thing I can find at this current moment."

Looking over at Elouai, Sarena extended a slightly callused hand. "Sarena," she said. "Fancy meeting you."

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 4:27 am 
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Eirynn half-smiled at Lance, but then a shudder ran through her. Cold-blooded. That summed these demons up enough. Eirynn sighed, talk about overtime- thinking about the demons. She looked at the new people coming near, recognizing most.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 3:08 pm 
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[All right, people. I've just looked at some of the bios. Multiple blades are allowed, as long as you're not carrying a full-sized sword as well.
Shisou: A scimitar varies in length, so as long as yours isn't that big, you're okay :)]

Lance looked thoughtful for a couple of minutes. Then, a small smile widened across his face. He did a quick headcount of the members in the foyer apart from himself. 12 people.

'Well,' he said, 'these demons pose as a threat to the Akute. They are dangerous, especially when you are near them and they will drain you of your power, and their existence might corrupt the Akute's ability to be effective.' He paused as his eyes narrowed and his expression darkened. 'So, I want the twelve of you in this room to form a team together. Find out more about these demons. Find out exactly where they come from, how they came here. Find a way to resist the draining. Find a way to defeat them. Scare them. And then, annihilate them. This is your assignment. Finish it as quickly as possible.'

Caress gaped at him, while Menai didn't show a flicker of surprise.

'I do not know how long it will take the twelve of you,' Lance continued. 'Maybe a couple of weeks, maybe months. But they must be destroyed. You must begin this assignment tomorrow morning at 8:30am, straight after breakfast. Caress, I think you'll have recovered by then. Everybody, please get ready and prepare any belongings if you wish to take them with you. I will provide you with a healthy amount of money.'

He smiled blandly, looking around at the small crowd. 'Any questions?'


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PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 3:50 pm 
Beyond Godly
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"Yes," Ally said, "I have a question. What about my sister? She hasn't arrived yet, and while she can definitely stand on her own two feet, I don't know why she isn't here yet. Will she be part of the team, or not?"


Elouai reached out to shake Sarena's hand, and did so cautiously. "Elouai," she said. She took her tea. "Thank you." She looked over at Sarena, stirring the brown liquid in her cup [why I just didn't say tea, I don't know] thoughtfully. "What brings you here?" She paused, studying Sarena closely. "Demons, I suppose. There's been trouble in the city with them, recently."

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 4:41 pm 

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"Not really," Sarena replied. "I just walk about, helping here and there. For no charge of course, just to help. Though I am a little frustrated with my latest goal. I can't seem to take down that winged demon circling the city. Its like an overgrown Perigrine Falcon. It moves wicked fast, with a regeneration rate incredibly high. Not that its hard to, seeing as it can suck energy from pretty much anything that tries to look up at it. If it doesn't die soon, people will start to have to live their lives with canvas covering the tops of alleys and streets. Those Akute had better start dealing with these demons soon... if they're going to kill to protect, they might as well kill that which they had spawned from those deaths." Shrugging, Sarena quietly sipped some more whiskey.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 5:28 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Elouai watched Sarena closely and then looked away, at the wall to her side. "The Akute are doing all they can," she said, somewhat stiffly, still not looking at Sarena. "In the meantime, the rest of us -" here she gestured to those in the tavern "- are just going to have to bear it."

Elouai sighed and took her spoon out of the cup, she ate the liquid off it. She finally turned her head to look Sarena in the eye. "People who know about the demons - yourself, for example - would be a valuable asset to the Akute..."

Elouai paused and took a few sips of her tea. She looked at the bar table, and then back at Sarena. "Will you help us?"

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 5:51 pm 
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"Hmm," Merle said, trying to think for what question he had come. After Lance speech (and the drinks he got, more probably because of this) his mind had wondered off and he had forgotten what he wanted to ask.

Looking up, he decided it probably wasn't that important if he had forgotten it. Besides, he would remember later.

He heard Ally talk about his sister. Merle presumed the siblings would both join. They were a good team.

"Well.. I guess I will go get some sleep.. if we raise early.. um to get up in the morning."

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 6:55 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Grace and Anka stared at each other. Neither of them knew what Lance was talking about, but didn't care. What they did care about was that they were stuck with each other now.

Blood began to boil, a vein throbbed in Anka's fore head and Grace's face began to go bright red.

"You mean." Began Grace. "I'm stuck, with him? Again!" Grace started to scream. She hated Anka so much right now, and now she was stuck on some mission with him? She quietened down.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 7:12 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Ally glanced over at Grace, who was screaming. He sighed and said quietly, "If we plan on defeating these demons, we're going to have to work together. Behaviour like that -" here he was referring to Grace's screaming and speech "- will not get us anywhere. If you continue to do that, it will be hard to complete what we are supposed to do. I would advise against pointlessly hating each other when a whole city is in danger."

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2005 7:41 pm 
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Seiryu listened to Lance's orders with an unreadable expression on his face; his feelings about the whole thing were mixed. On one hand, he was slightly annoyed that he had been roped into another mission so soon after his last one. Yet he was curious about the demons. He schooled his face into an expression of indifference, "I see that we have no choice in the matter." His shoulders rose and fell in a shrug, "If we don't go, the Akute at least will become endangered."


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