*takes a deep breath*
I have been bitten so many times, it's not even funny. (Camp, area of residence, etc.)
1. If you don't have anything near you, this will sounds disgusting, but lick it. Maybe wash it before you do, but lick it. Lick, suck, whatever; your saliva helps stop itching.
2. The pink stuff! Called Calamine (sp?) lotion. Think a... hm. pig. If it gets bitten by a snake, it rolls in the mud. (Or so I have heard.) As the mud dries, it contracts, thus drawing out the poison. Or something. Anyhow, besides the calamine lotion contracting (mosquito saliva is injected into your skin and makes it itch), its also anti-itch.
3. Ice/Cold stuff. A can of cold soda works. Basically numbs your skin, so you can't feel it.
4. After-bite. "The Itch-Eraser." Looks like a thick marker, found in most drug stores. If you scratched your bite open, get ready for some major pain. The cause is that 3.5% of After-Bite is ammonia. Perfectly safe. Though painful. There is After-Bite for Kids, which is supposedly pain free.
5. Mental games. Do something else, don't touch it. Eventually, it's go away.
The big NONO! Never, ever scratch it. It may open up for infections, and it worsens the itch. Why? You're spreading the saliva of the mosquito, which is what causes the bite to itch.
*takes a big gulp of air*
Just empty any sources of standing water near your home to reduce mosquitos. Just smack any you see, and don't turn on lights near open windows. It attracts all sorts of insects. Get screens for windows. Don't open the windows or doors for extended periods near or after dusk.
Hope that helps.
. Set by Medusa ♥