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PostPosted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 7:48 pm 
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Kitten Medli wrote:
EDIT: Speaking of which, does anyone recall the Pirate Moehog lady from the Curse of Maraqua plot?

Holy.....god.....What was that?

I think giving neopets breasts is the WORST idea in the history of the world. It's about as odd as if I woke up one morning and my boyfriend had them.

Neopets are pets and as such should be left that way. Why can't they like...Nose at frisbees or chase rubber balls? Why do they have to have a BBQ? *shakes head*

Thanks to Mallory, the winner of my set contest.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 8:03 pm 
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I don't see what the big deal is. I'm not saying that because as an anthro fan I absolutely approve it it. I'm just saying I don't even notice what everybody seems to be horrified by. Its about as scary and unusual as watching Disney's Robin Hood o_O


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PostPosted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 8:15 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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Dustin wrote:
Kitten Medli wrote:
Armi wrote:
*looks at Bori again* How did he get his shirt over his shell? O_o Bori shouldn't wear shirts. >_> They look weird over(pirate bori) and under the shell.

I don't really like that caption contest, however. I don't like how NeoPETs are becoming like NeoPEOPLE.

Bori and Ixi lacks thumbs, Aisha lacks fingers and a thumb.
They don't seem that human to me. More cartoon animals. =/

That's true, but I don't think the females need human like chests. A shirt thrown on, like the Bori, doesn't bother me (although it is awkward), but an Aisha dressing like a 17 year old does.

EDIT: Speaking of which, does anyone recall the Pirate Moehog lady from the Curse of Maraqua plot?

The Moehog lady was in the wave before King Kelpbeard & Scarblade... wasnt she? o_O

Yeah, I just found her in that one first.


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PostPosted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 8:34 pm 
Beyond Godly
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 8:44 pm 
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o_0 wrote:




I think judging by the age and the style of the art (the Gelert is the oldest version of the pet so it's likely 5 years ago), you can't make a good comparison between the two. If they were roughly the same age, you could.

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 9:18 pm 
Beyond Godly
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just to throw this on here too:

StitchIsOhana wrote:
Kitten Medli wrote:
EDIT: Speaking of which, does anyone recall the Pirate Moehog lady from the Curse of Maraqua plot?

Holy.....god.....What was that?

I think giving neopets breasts is the WORST idea in the history of the world. It's about as odd as if I woke up one morning and my boyfriend had them.

Neopets are pets and as such should be left that way. Why can't they like...Nose at frisbees or chase rubber balls? Why do they have to have a BBQ? *shakes head*

last i checked Florence my pet dog couldnt read a book.
or fight massive snow wurms.
or participate in an underwater war.

*isnt getting what your complaining about*

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 25, 2005 10:12 pm 
Beyond Godly
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I think our pets should be able to have BBQs... it's entertaining ^^


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PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 12:30 am 
Beyond Godly
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What bugs me most is that it's not consistent. In some pictures (caption contests, shopkeepers, backgrounds, whatever), they look like normal animals -- they're unclothed and often walking on all fours. Then in other pictures, they look like normal animals wearing clothes -- they're still walking around on all fours; it's just like when you'd, I dunno, put a pirate coat and hat on your pet dog for Halloween (not that my dog would let me do that, hee). So it still kind of makes sense. But then in some pictures -- in plots, and increasingly in caption contests -- we've got these animals that are basically people in animal suits, with styled hair and breasts and opposable thumbs, and it's just weird.

I can put up with it in a plot and/or the TCG, because plots and the TCG wouldn't make much sense if the pets had owners, but I'm tired of seeing these weird anthro pets we're supposed to be able to own. So what, if I get a royal eyrie and stick it beside my white lupe and fire cybunny, is this royal pet supposed to be somehow more evolved, or something? Why should it be able to walk around on two feet looking like a human when all my other pets look like real animals?

Uh, so, basically the point of this long-winded comment: anthro pets in plots: fine. Anthro pets we can own: creepy.


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PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 12:38 am 
Beyond Godly
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I'm kind of torn on this one. I've seen some very well done anthro drawings and of course I've seen some bad ones and some that made me just go :o .

I agree there should be consistency as far as the TNT art - either they are anthro or they're not. Like Cranberry pointed out, there is no consistency. Personally I prefer the pets to look like pets, not some weird morphed thing.

But I know alot of people really like anthros. Just go look at alot of the BC entries. There are weeks where it seems like there's almost nothing but anthros. I'll vote for the most poorly drawn "real" neopet in those contests to be honest. Why? not because I think they'll win, I know they won't BC is nothing but a stinky popularity contest

It's just my little statement that I like seeing Neopets drawn as ... Neopets! and not some weird anime looking creature. It's fine for the art gallery, petpages, lookups, etc., but I think it gets taken a little too far sometimes.

Chests on female neopets, long hair, sexy clothes. Really :roll:

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 12:39 am 
PPT Toddler
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I personaly like them. But, I've been an athro artist for 5 years, so I suppose that makes me bais. :)

I think it adds personality, and something we all can relate too. I also think it makes it easier to make story lines and such out of them. I think a athro dog taking over a corn dog is more intrestresting then a regular dog on four legs taking over a corn dog.

Eitherway you look at it though, its still a corn dog, right?

(Have I completely lost people with this analogy?)

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 12:41 am 
Beyond Godly
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I dont mind them...

I always thought that the Anthro are like... for example... civilized people, and the pets are just... pets. Kinda like people and apes for those of you who believe in that evolution theory...

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 2:01 am 
PPT Toddler
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watericesage wrote:
I dont mind them...

I always thought that the Anthro are like... for example... civilized people, and the pets are just... pets. Kinda like people and apes for those of you who believe in that evolution theory...

Well, if the normal Neopets were just pets, they wouldn't be able to read and talk and stuff...though you're probably talking about real life pets?

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 2:17 am 
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Nooo! Not a debate. I could go on forever in a debate. Blargh.

Pets being sentient is not the issue for me. They're more like Digimon and the monsters in Monster Rancher than they like the majority of pokemon. I have zero issue with this. It's just that, quite simply, I didn't sign up to have furry human avatars instead of animal companions. I don't for a second believe that characters absolutely need to be physically anthropomorphized for them to be viable and interesting. TNT does it as a copout. Rather than spend a little bit more time to actually work on character depth and complexity, they choose to place a Neopets head on an otherwise human form because it's easier. Which is especially annoying when there are currently 22 species with the manual dexterity to do tasks like swordfighting, and flying spaceshops, and...that's really all I can think of that the other species couldn't do. If they'd pick any one of those species from a hat we also wouldn't have the overuse usuls, lupes, and aishas and people might see some of their favorite species in the spotlight.

Pokemon, as much as I dislike the anime, was extremely popular without most pokemon resembling humans. Digimon, which I love, has some digimon that could pass as completely human but the story carries it in such a way that it's not a problem. They even address the issue head on where humanlike digimon confront animal-fantastic creature digimon. Digmon, Pokemon, and Monster Rancher all do something else that Neopets doesn't.

Nowhere in Neopets canon do human beings, owners, exist. Instead of incorporating people into their fantasy world, they choose to replace us with anthro Neopets. And when it comes right down to it, I hate the notion that I don't exist as a person but merely an invisible hand in my pets lives. That's not what I signed up for. Bgryph and others on Necolours had some interesting and very simply ways to bridge all the contradictions TNT has come up to make a beliveable fantasy world. This is partially why I dread a Neopets movie because simple questions like where our pets come from haven't been answered.

Last edited by Huggles on Sun Jun 26, 2005 2:22 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 2:21 am 
Beyond Godly
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Neopets. Not neopeople. TO me it's the same concept of supporting the slave trade. Thay are our PETS, not our PEOPLE. I could go on for miles on this, but I'm not going to, because it disgusts me.

Go National Neopian Skeith; that's as 'human' as they sould get.

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 2:21 am 
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as most people know, im very against "anthroism" on neopets... its ugly, and horrible. All it does is turn neopets more and more into humans....

Obviously, there ARE many pets that stand on their hind legs.... and if they put a shirt and shoes on it, that doesnt necessarily make it anthro. BUT when they take a human shape, *like an exact human shape with a short neck, arms with elbows and long legs and everything* and its shaped just like a human, and then they give it a pet head and hooves and wings when necessary... now thats just gross and wierd. That Royal acara is definetely acceptable... its the regular size, its on hind legs, and has bends where they should be.


And most of the royal pets are pretty good.

But pets like the one on the caption contest are just plain horrible.
And dont think of this as an inappropriate statement.... but im just saying that if you can take all the pets clothes off, and it still looks like the normal neopet.... then its ok. but if it would have a wierd shape.... then thats just not normal.

and like somebody pointed this out..... this IS the king... or... queen.. OR...king.. errr... whatever.... of them all.

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