I prefer the new Baby Nimmo- it's certainly a good deal more creative than a tiny pink (
pink!) frog, in any case. And real baby animals that aren't just huge-headed, small-bodied adorable ickle babykins are always wonderful. <s>Even if I <i>like</i> huge-headed, small-boded adorable ickle babykins.</s>
red_dragone wrote:
Xerophyte wrote:
I can't tell if the's happy, or if he just has that expression because the cookies smell bad.
Is it just me, or is anyone else feeling some Dr. Seuss vibes from that image?
I personally see an orange Cat in the Hat without a hat, or one of those things from 'Oh the places you will go'
Or maybe i'm just nutso
no!" said the Nimmo as he reached into his bag,
"It seems that I'm thought to be a horrid old hag!"
"I've tried to be pretty, but, as you know, I'm a frog…"
"So the clothes I've worn only rot, as I live in a bog,"
"And my makeup looks silly, for nothing matches me or my skin;"
"I'm orange, I'm slimy, and, I'm afraid, not very thin..."
"Well, I've tried and I've tried, but you still won't be appeased."
"So, I've just given up and made you arsenic cookies."
He whipped out said cookies and held them out,
smiling rather like he had absolutely no doubt
that the ones who had taunted him would be stupid enough
to take the burnt-looking, poisonous, speckled baked stuff.
"Good day, you beasts, good day to you!"
"I hope you choke slowly, while in mid-chew!"
He finished with a flourish and swiftly turned to leave,
but I'm afraid he soon perished as he attempted to heave-
you see, he'd eaten the batter, and then had forgot.
And so died the Nimmo, the ugliest frog in the lot.
"He shall be remembered for his cooking!"
cried his peers and friends, all not looking-
ignoring, in fact, that his cooking was horrid,
over-baked, under-cooked, and always insipid,
it was just putrid, to be honest, never right, you see,
for even the one thing he'd made right had simply ended his misery.
can't find the sig from this set, so instead, you get a